Yoon Dujun

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Yoon Dujun's Facts;

♥ One of Dujun's nicknames was General.

♥ Couldn't sleep when Hyunseung, Kikwang, Dongwoon, and 4minute Gayoon and Jiyoon were about to take their college entrance exams.

♥ "I will pack up in three days" Dujun always says that. Interviewer: "does he pack up?" no it's all the same.

♥ Has a habbit of throwing things around he step, around the corridor and the main door.

♥ If you hear head-bagging in the night, that would be Dujun. He bangs his head agains the top of the bed while sleeping.

♥ Dujun states that they can't even dream bout it.(BEAST and 2NE1 together)

♥ Dujun has neat handwriting, he said he won an award for neat handwriting while he was still in school.

♥ Dujun has a crush on Sung Yuri from Fink.K.L

♥ Dujun said once Yoseob acted cute towards him, Junhyung followed after batting his eyelids and smiling making aegyo sounds.

♥ Dujun, when he finds a pretty place, or when he is bord, pulls out his phone to take selcas.

♥ Dujun said once he called Gikwang up and he rolled off his bed onto the floor, instead of getting up properly.

♥ He was aked by the interviewer to show is 'cutness' which after he did, he made the other members want to walk away.

♥ Out of all the members Dujun loves to go online the most.

♥ Dujun double checks with problems, even when they are solved.

♥ Dujun was out with Ok Taecyeon when he was still a trainee under JYP. At the time, Ok Taecyeon was experiencing high popularity and fans only crowded around Ok Taecyeon. A bored Dujun therefore started to dig his nose, when he turned to face eye to eye with that fan. Dujun was speechless. That fan was also speechless.

♥ A fan brought a bag of 왕꿈틀이 for Dujun during fansign. Dujun awkwardly smiled and rejected her kind offer. Seeing the fan's disappointed reaction, doojoon: "errr... we've 3 boxes of 왕꿈틀이 in our dorm..."

♥ Dujun originally wanted to make chicken porridge for dongwoon when he was down with a cold. However, he ordered fried chicken in the end as he didnt know how to cook it.

♥ When Beast upgraded to a better dorm, Dujun phoned his mom and excitedly told her, "The dorm's living room is so huge to the point that I can play soccer in it!"

♥ A fan gave Dujun a bread and asked him to pass to yoseob. Dujun: "Yoseob doesn't eat bread" and then, ate it.

♥ Dujun was ranked top as the male celebrity with a good body figure on Sixth Sense along with After School's Gahee as the female celebrity chosen.

♥ #1 Bully in the group.

♥ Dujun does not believe in quitting after a failure.

♥ Dujun actually hates eating alone. So every time he goes in the restaurant, he immediately calls his friends to eat with him.

♥ Dujun loves to take a picture of his niece like his own baby.

♥ Ball is life for him. He loves to play soccer along with Gikwang and Yoseob.

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