Encounter at the Crossroads

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After Seth had left the apartment, David reentered Gavin's room. Gavin seemed to perk up and asked what that was about. David said it was nothing and sat down at the foot of the bed. "Hey Gav, how ya feeling?" David shot the question to start up an actual conversation and the smaller of the two responded, "I'm feeling better than before you got home, that's for sure." The two smiled slightly and began general conversation. Eventually David asked if Gavin wanted to go watch some TV and Gavin agreed with a quick but enthusiastic nod.

After moving the cripple to the other side of the apartment, David tossed his nephew the remote and Gavin turned the TV on. The news channel opened by default and Gavin paused at the mention of a gunshot. "Just moments ago, a man entered this alleyway and shot and killed another. Witnesses haven't yet given a description of the criminal, but the police are searching the immediate area for any suspects," The on-scene anchor urgently reported. David was silently begging that Gavin change the channel, but Gavin eagerly watched the story, as his interest was piqued.

Breaking the tension in the room was an obnoxious ringing sound coming from the doorbell. David stood instantly, and checked the peephole before opening the door. The man standing in the hallway was about six feet tall, and was wearing an icy white suit. He had dark hair and prominent freckles on his white skin. David greeted the man with a fake smile, but David's kindness was interrupted by the man beginning a conversation.
"Hello, is there a David Shore home?"
"That would be me—" David remade his smile in a welcoming manner, "—did you need something?" The man stuttered for a moment, and David took note of his eyes wandering to see behind him. "Ah, yes. Would you mind if we spoke in private?" the man concluded this with a smooth and nearly unnoticeable hand gesture towards Gavin, who was attempting to hide his eavesdropping.

David agreed, and showed this by exiting the apartment into the hallway with the man. The man wasted little time, continuing after the door was shut, "I understand that you may or may not have found yourself in an awkward situation recently." The sudden accusation startled David, and the man took zero notice, "And you may have taken drastic action to escape said situation." The man continued on, maintaining his blank look, "And although you may not know, small mistakes like, I don't know, leaving a coffee cup at the scene, may leave you in slight, maybe large, legal troubles." David's smile had turned into a look that could be interpreted as fear, if you squinted enough. The man smiled slightly during the pause, as if mocking the increasingly more nervous man in front of him. "And chances are, those legal troubles may end up leaving your... I believe nephew? Well it may leave him missing his favorite uncle." The man formed his face into a sarcastic pouting one, and waited for a response.

David blinked, processing the man infront of him. He was unreadable. Nothing about him was normal. After many moments of silence, David realized he was supposed to give a response. "W-.... Who the hell are you?" The question wasn't what the man was used to, and that was obvious as the already fading pout transformed quickly into an alternate, more perplexed face. "Hmmm... Well that's a question, isn't it? I guess I know your name, so might as well, right? Hi, my name is— wait, should I tell him? No I probably should....or should I tell him that....Yeah yeah..." The man was now mumbling a three-ish sided conversation to himself. To be honest, David wanted to hit him and run, but he found the frantic speech pretty funny.

The man's argument came to somewhat of a conclusion and turned his attention back to David, "Well, sir, you can call me Red, as in the color. I am here to offer you a...deal of sorts. You help me, I help you, blah blah you know how it works. So what do you say, you wanna make sure poor Gavin can keep his uncle?" David was sure he saw a grin appear on the man's face, but any evidence of it was gone. In general, David was baffled at the offer, and was pondering his choices when a bright blue and red light appeared in the window. Damn, cops...if this guy can help me, I'm gonna need that help now. David nodded quickly, shifting his eyes between the window and Red. Red seemed satisfied at this, and turned on his heel. "I'll be in touch David. And don't worry too much about the cops, it's only circumstantial evidence." Red called behind him with a lift in his voice.

As the words left Red's mouth and he began down the stairs, the distinct sound of a door being forcefully opened made David's legs move towards the closed door behind him. David entered the apartment and hurriedly shushed Gavin and carried him back to his room and into bed. The thought of writing a note to tell Seth why he wasn't home watching Gavin crossed David's mind, but the thought was interrupted by a loud banging on the door. As David approached the noisy door, he could hear muffled voices coming from the other side. A quick look through the peephole told him that there were six officers all awaiting the door to open, several of them holding on to their guns in their holsters. David took a deep breath and opened the door.

All six of the officers made towards David, but the one that was banging on the door got to him first. This man was tall and had sleeked back brown hair that interacted dully with his grayish eyes, and had a surprisingly strong grip as he squeezed David's arm. David could only see two other officers from the position against the wall the grey eyed officer shoved him towards. As David heard the click of handcuffs being fastened around his wrists, he took note of the two people in his view. One was a short, stout man with black hair and a wrinkled face (His hair and stubble was graying in some patches). The other officer was a woman with a much more muscular build than the men around her, and she seemed much more excited to be there than the stout man. 

As he was surveying the two in front of him, the taller man behind him had fastened the handcuffs much tighter than necessary around his wrists and read him his Miranda Rights. Suddenly, David was being hurriedly moved down the stairs of the building while the other officers spoke quietly behind him. David was getting progressively more and more worried as to what will happen to Gavin, as well as how Seth would react when he came back home, when he heard a familiar voice through the radio of the grey eyed man holding his hands. The man must have had the volume on his radio turned to an almost mute because David couldn't make heads or tails of what was being said. However, David did catch the same lift Red had used in his final sentence to David ten minutes before.

After the final word of the radio ended, David could hear a sigh of disappointment from the muscular woman a couple feet behind him. The grey eyed man clicked on his radio, but exhaled and clicked it back off. David didn't know what the officers had been saying for the past few minutes, as he was busy thinking about every possible way he could escape the situation. Currently, David was going over the possibility of trying to do that thing he had done earlier in the day, when suddenly the grey eyed man adjusted his grip on David's arms. David made an unnoticeable noise and attempted to turn his neck to see the reason for the adjustment, when the pressure around his wrists was suddenly alleviated.

"Well apparently there has been a mistake in radio transmissions, and we were sent to take you in," the grey eyed man said, much quieter than David expected. "You're free to go, and we are again sorry for the inconvenience. We'll be on our way." and with that the officers left David on a landing halfway down the stairs to the ground floor.

David stood on the stairs for a solid five or so minutes, being generally confused as to what just occurred, until finally he realized how tired he was exactly. Making his way back upstairs he thought about his day so far. He bought a coffee, was mugged, killed a man, ran home, spent time with his nephew, and was nearly arrested, and it was barely three a.m.. David, after making it back to the apartment, entered Gavin's room to find him sitting quietly with a very confused expression. David smiled and told the kid that it was just a friend of his needing a word with him, and went to the kitchen to fix Gavin some food. Feeling very groggy, David fixed up some soup and served it along with children's cold medicine, which seemed to satisfy Gavin's needs. After leaving a note to Seth telling him what he'd done to take care of Gavin, David fell into bed and passed out quicker than he'd ever had before.

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