The Shore family had been around for a couple hundred years. Fought in wars, bought black and white televisions, some where even involved in the making of the camera. Long lineage of selfish bastards just trying to get off the ground in New York City (of course not all of the Shores were located in New York, just a majority). However, in the year 2030, Kat and Franklin Shore gave birth to the biggest, most selfish, bastard of the family, with the name of David.
David Shore lived with his older brother and his wife and kid. David, at the time, was 23 and unemployed. He spent little time at the sizable apartment and the few times he is there is spent with his nephew, Gavin.
On this particular morning, David was on his way out the door of a bar he'd passed out in the night before. He had just received a call from Seth, his brother, that his son was sick. David was on his way over to spend time with the kid as he had no worry of getting sick (Not because he was immune or anything, he just didn't care).
David had no car to drive there in, so he just simply walked. It was morning, so the plan was to stop for coffee along the way. Luckily, there was a suitable cafe nearby, and he arrived in under six minutes. His entrance was accompanied by a small bell signaling the server to turn to him.
"Good morning sir! What can I get for you today?"
"Hmmm... Surprise me."
"Okay, small soy mocha latte with an extra pump of soy it is! Thank you mister...?"
"David Shore"
"David Shore. That'll be $8.62 please!"
A handful of dimes and a couple dollar bills were placed squarely on the counter.
"Thank you, I'll be right back with your drink!"
And with that, David was alone. There weren't many people in the cafe, but there was a couple drinking outside. They seemed happy with smiles on both of their faces, conveying that either romance was possible in this city or that this was a really good coffee shop. Either way, those to were happy and better left alone.
The server eventually returned with a small coffee filled with a lighter liquid. She smiled as she handed David his coffee and made a remark about how that was her personal favorite coffee and although he responded with another smile and thank you, he wasn't really paying much attention. His gaze was on his phone as it buzzed for the third time since he removed it from his pocket. David unlocked it to reveal three texts from his brother. They read:
Hey, where r u, gavins waiting
His fever has gone up too btw
He's excited for you to finally come home, he hasn't seen u in weeks.
Without even reading any of them, David typed out a reply:
About four blocks away, give me ten minutes
Pocketing the phone, David took a step out the door of the café.
Taking a sip of his coffee every couple of steps, David made his way down the street. The streets weren't crowded, but still populated nonetheless. He made a turn to go down an alley for a shortcut. Looks like someone else had a similar idea. The other man wore a grey suit so he probably wasn't a threat, so David payed no mind to him. The man in the suit spoke quietly, but the words were clear.
"Empty your wallet onto the ground."
David's reply came out instantly, as he had been mugged many times before, none successful. It didn't take long to figure out that nobody actually was willing to shoot you for your money.
The man shifted slightly, adjusting his jacket, then spoke again.
"Alright, let me rephrase that then. Empty your wallet onto the ground or I'll kill you."
"Fine by me."
The man shook his head and paused. Then, in one smooth motion, he pulled out a snub nosed revolver, pointed it at the other's chest, and pulled the trigger.
Hey, so this is a thing that is happening, and if you liked this chapter and want to find out why a writer would have his main character shot in the first chapter, tell me to make more! Also, New York and I aren't to familiar with each other so cut me slack.