Chapter 3

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After a whole week, It wasn't even awkward between Maddi and I, It was Friday Forth period and I had HPE, we had Sex Ed, the teacher was talking about sex and cutting, cutting didn't fit in the concept of sexual education, but I guess it was because alot of people did it


The bell just rung, I got on the bus and got home, I got ready to go to the party,

I haven't told you this yet but, I have brownish, blondish hair that is shifted to the side I have blue eyes, I am nearly 6 foot and I'm from Australia. I got my phone and left, Mum dropped me off, I was greeted by Two pretty good looking chicks, I walked in side and I saw Maddi, She looked hot! Her hair was down neally at her hips, she had a half bluish half pinkish Mid-drift, with a black skit up to her waist, and it was above her knees, I went up to her and gave her a hug, We sat down and I got offered Alcohol, we both accepted. After about five or six drinks, we were pretty drunk, and this bloke came over and dragged both of us, Maddi and I into a room and locked us in, for no reason at all, luckily there was a bed for us to lie on.


Short chapter I know, Comment if you think I should make another book, Give an idea please!!


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