Big Brother

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Nicky had nothing to do with SAMCRO for the next few days. Gemma had called her the morning after the disaster dinner, apologizing, but Nicky asked for her space. Which she understood, and reluctantly gave to her. Juice made Nicky go back to work, but only under the agreement that she was allowed to check on him every hour. He didn't want her distracted, but figured it'd be worse if she didn't check on him like she wants. The guys would come by ever so often during the day, when Nicky wasn't with him, to check up on his condition. Clay was the only one who was a no show. 

After another three days of zero contact, Gemma grew restless and went to the hospital. She knew better than to go to Nicky's house because she hasn't even gone home since Juice was arrested, except to get changes of clothes. Everything else was done at the hospital, a close distance to Juice. 

"You're going to be a great wife." Gemma said, opening Juice's door and stepping inside. It was late, and Juice was already fast asleep while Nicky watched bullshit shows on the television. She was already changed into her pajamas after taking a shower when her shift ended. A love seat from the other side of the room was dragged beside Juice and made into a bed for herself. Hospital policy doesn't allow over night visitors, but she fought them on it. Since then, she's been staying there every night. 

"Not an old lady?" Nicky mumbled. Sitting up, she grabbed the television remote and shut it off so they could talk. 

"No." She walked over to a chair in the corner and brought it to Nicky's side, taking a seat. Taking her hand, she spoke. "This life...the life of the club, it ain't easy. I worry every second of every day about my son, and now, my grandson. What your mother did, it wasn't right, but it also wasn't wrong. Even though I wasn't aware of the situation, and I don't know a lot about it, I understand. It wasn't that Clay didn't want was he wanted a better life for you. A life out of SAMCRO." Nicky simply nodded her head, registering Gemma's words. "Look at who you've become. You are an extraordinary woman, and as much as I hate to say deserve more than a life in Charming." 

"I'm not leaving, Gemma. Despite everything, I'm happy here. I've found my home here."

"What happens when that happiness, and that home, goes away?" Nicky knew she was referring to Juice because that's what she was referring to. Nicky turned to take a glance at him. He slept on his side, towards the window, because he said it helped with the back pain. Just looking at him, even though he wasn't facing her, made her feel complete. 

"He'll be back, and I'll be here, waiting." When Gemma eventually left, Nicky moved over to Juice's bedside and kissed the back of his sleeping head. His hair had grown out, which Nicky thought looked absolutely adorable, but she'd take him any way. "I love you." She whispered, running a comforting hand slowly down his back, then went to lay back down. Unknown to Nicky that Gemma's arrival brought him out of his sleep, and he had heard their entire conversation. The guilt of her pain began eating him up inside, leaving him wide awake the rest of the night. 

The next morning, Chibs was released from the hospital. It resulted in Jax, Bobby, Happy, and Half Sack disrupting the hospital entirely, but no one said a word. Jax informed Nicky he'd be back later to check on Juice. And just like he said, he was back within a few hours. This time just with Bobby. "Can I talk to you alone for a minute?" He pulled Nicky aside. She was sitting at a desk going over some paper work. "Go on ahead, Bobby." Bobby nodded and went to Juice's room. 

"What do you need to talk about?" Nicky asked as he pulled her into an empty hall. 

"About that dinner."

"There's nothing really to say."

"I know..." He sighed. "I just want to apologize...on the clubs behalf. Things like that..." He shook his head. "...they shouldn't happen, and I'm sorry." Jax wanted to take the moment to rip hard on Clay for being an ass and not raising his child, but decided against it. Nicky didn't need to hear it while she's at work. 

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