I Need You..

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~Phone Call:

Me: Hello?

BamBam: Is this Y/N L/N? (Your Name, Last Name)

Me: Yeah, who is this?

BamBam: I'm a doctor at the y/c Hospital. (Your City)

Me: Why are you calling me, did something happen?

BamBam: We can't tell you over the phone, please come down to the hospital.

Me: I'm on my way.

Phone Call Ended~

I ran out of the club and hurried over to my car. I seen the club door open after I had left, I turned around and seen Namjoon. He was looking at me confused.

"I rolled down my window and yelled to him.

"I'll call you later." He still looked confused, but he nodded his head.

I drove over to the hospital. I got out of my car and rushed to the hospital doors.

~Recap End~

I ran to the front desk. 

"Hi, what do you need?" The girl at the front desk asked.

"I need to know what room Kunpimook Bhuwakul is in." I said.

"It says here he is in room number 116." She told.

"Thank you sooooo much." I said as I darted towards the elevator.

I got off the elevator and hurried to BamBam's room. Once I finally arrived at his room I took a deep breath and walked in. There he was lying in his hospital bed. I walked over to the chair next to his bed and sat down.

"I'm really sorry this happened. Somehow I feel like this is my fault. How did this happen to you?" I asked. He wasn't awake so he didn't answer me. I wanted to to tell him everything. I was such a bad girlfriend. I don't know who I love. I don't know who I want to be with.

"I will be here when you wake up, okay?" I said. I felt tears in my eyes. He loved me so much. I was cheating on him for know reason. If I wasn't happy with him I should have just broke up with him. I'm to dumb though. I should break up with him. I should tell him me and Namjoon kissed, I should tell him me and Namjoon are also dating, I should let him find love and be happy. I wish it was this easy to say out loud, but sadly it's not. I'm so stupid to be playing with his heart like this. I used to ask why people would cheat on other people, but here I am. I don't know why we do it, I guess it feels good to have people tell you you're beautiful and that they love you, that's still no reason to cheat. I wish I could bring myself to tell him, but I don't think I can. I definitely can't tell him right now it would hurt him to much, he was just in an accident, the last thing he needs is being broken up with. Maybe I should get caught cheating? I could invite Namjoon over and we could watch a movie cuddling, then when BamBam came home he would see me in Namjoons arms and realize we weren't just friends. That was such a dumb thought, I know. I just don't no how to tell him. I mean how do you tell someone you love somebody more then them? Whatever I do I know i'll lose BamBam, he won't want to be in my life. I just don't want to be alone, I won't be alone if I have Namjoon. I hate Namjoon. If it weren't for him I would have told BamBam about the kiss. If I would have told him, I would have broken up with Namjoon and BamBam and me would be happy together. But I also love Namjoon. He was there for me even after I didn't take his side in a family fight. I was there for him and now he's a celebrity. 

I don't know when but somewhere along the line of deep thoughts, I fell asleep.

I woke up and saw BamBam lying awake in the hospital bed. He was looking at me.

"Did you sleep well beautiful?" He asked.

"You're awake!" I said cheerfully.

"When did you get here?" BamBam asked.

"I looked over at the clock. It was 5:00 am.

"Yesterday at 11:30 pm." I said.

"Wow you've been here for awhile." BamBam said.

"It was worth it." I said with a smile.

"I am being released today at noon." BamBam said.

"Wow already?" I asked amazed.

"I wasn't really hurt, just some cuts and bruises." He said.

"You got lucky, how did the crash even happen?" I asked.

"Do you remember how you texted me telling me you would be home late?" BamBam asked.

"Yeah.." I said worried.

"I was replying to you text when my car swerved to the opposite lane and I hit a car head on, the speed limit on the road wasn't fast so nobody was hurt badly." He said.

"This is all my fault." I said."

"No it's not, I was the idiot who decided to text and drive." BamBam said holding my hand.

"Why would you text and drive, you could have been killed or you could have killed someone else." I said freaking out.

"I know, calm down." He said.

"You should never text and drive." I said.

"Everybody makes mistakes, if you really love someone, you should forgive them." BamBam said.

I looked him in the eyes.

"You won't forgive me." I said. He looked at me funny.

"What?" BamBam asked.


Hey Guys, sorry for all the cliffhangers hehe I hope  you guys are enjoying this book, thanks for all the votes and reads it really makes me happy, sorry that my chapters are sometimes short, i'll try to make them longer!!

The End. Thanks for reading! 
The Next Chapter Should Be Posted Sunday.
Bye <3

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