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I eagerly jumped on the twin sized bed. My small frame bouncing a couple feet in the air as I wait for the woman who I share the same features as to take a seat next to me on my bed. She's holding my twin brother as he cradles in her arms sleepily sucking his thumb.

"Mommy! Sdory time! Sdory time!" I yell excitedly. My brother instantly perks up at the mention of story time as he wiggles in our mothers arms indicating he wanted to get down to join me. My mother quickly sets him down as he runs towards me and jumps on my bed with me.

"Come on mommy! Tell us that story about the animals and magicians!" He says while he jumps down to a sitting position and I mimic his movements.

"Yeah! Dat one is me favorite!" I add. She laughs at us as she joins us on the bed sitting on top of the silky sheets while my brother and I are inside tucked into the comforter.

"Okay. This is the last time and you are to go straight to bed after this" she demands.

"Yes mommy" my brother and I say in unison.

"Alright. A long time ago there once was a knight. His job was to protect the King and Queen of Purebloods and their royal family. His abilities almost the equivalent to a royal Pureblood making him the highest ranking Pureblood that was not of the royal family. He did many things for the kingdom, lead the army, kept everyone in the kingdom safe, and rescued stranders outside of the kingdom. He was the strongest, fastest, and handsomest out of all the Knights. He caught the eyes of many woman that was in his vicinity even the King and Queens daughter. With the knight being the head charge of protecting the Royal family he grew a strong connection with the princess. As kids when the knight was just starting training they instantly became friends and as the years went by they became lovers."

"Boo mommy get to da good part!" My brother urged. My mother laughed at him while ruffling his hair and he only let out a grunt and crossed his arms.

"Relax my child I'm getting there, but until one day there was a sighting of a small cottage just outside of the kingdom under attack. He took him and his men to the cottage and fought against the attackers. Once rid of them he found one survivor, a young girl around the same age as himself. She had striking red hair and piercing blue grey eyes, and dirt smudged across her freckle filled face and raggy clothing. He decided to take her into the kingdom to the King and Queen to make arrangements for her to stay in the kingdom. The King and Queen agreed to allow her to stay and even granted her a room in the castle where later on her and the princess became best friends."

"Yayy!" I cheer happily.

"Shhh! Mommy's not done, she hasn't gotten to da good part yet!" My brother shooed me.

"Nikolai apologize to your sister right now" our mother stated

"I sowwy sissy." I smiled in response. Mommas boy.

"Now back to the story. Months pass and the princess and knight thought it was time to profess their undying love for each other as it was almost time for the princess to take the throne. The King and Queen were thrilled when the princess and knight confessed since the knight was very trusted and would be successful in ruling the kingdom so they arrange for them to immediately get married. The news got back to the girl about the princess and knight and she was very upset. She didn't know about their secret relations for she had fallen for the knight and wanted to be with him and no one else and on their wedding day she revealed her true powers. She crashed the wedding with unbelievable powers of moving objects without touching them and creating things out of nothing. She destroyed the wedding leaving the princess and knight to feel betrayed by someone close to them. They ordered the guards to sentence her to exile but not before she granted a spell, a curse onto the knight."

"Good part! Good part! Good part!" My brother interrupted.

"Shhh!" I placed my finger to my lips motioning for my brother to be quiet like he did to me. Our mother only shakes her head at us as she continues.

"She granted that his true form would take place. A beast. The princess grew afraid of the once handsome knight and exiled him forever. The princess then continued to rule and found a Pureblood that she later married, but the beast he lived in the shadows creating his own kingdom with others just like him ruling them making him the first Alpha, and the girl left creating covens with beings like her. But the girl made sure that none of their kinds cross paths no matter the circumstances or war will spew between all kinds and the world will be at its end." My mother finished and I'm left wide awake. I look to the side of me and see my brother already fast asleep. My mother picks him up in her arms and he automatically loops his arms around her neck.

"Mommy I'm not tired! I want to go play outside with da knight!" I whine.

"Elisabeta" my mother warns.

"But mommy-"

"It's a far much larger world than you understand my child. There are beings hidden amongst the shadows, creatures you have yet to know exist. So stay behind these walls and don't venture out in the forest especially at night for it's their feeding grounds and they shall show no mercy even for a little girl like you" and then she left carrying my little brother out of my room.

I pull the covers up to my chest as I lay down and close my eyes but I couldn't fall asleep my little kid mind was determined, one day I will find the knight one day.

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