Chapter 2

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I sat unmoving in the stone hard chair listening to the Elders discuss amongst each other. My elbow rested on the table as my hand held my head up, I swear any moment know I was going to fall back asleep. They talk about my brother and I as if we weren't even there. They speak as if we are toys in their little games.

"Once he has complete the merging of the villages and produces a child it will add power. As for the girl" their voices stop. I look up to see all of their eyes on me. I huff out a breath of air I didn't know I was holding.

"She will be unifying with Edmond" my father voices. His eyes catch mine and I see no sense of emotion all the love that he had for his children turned away.

"Ah yes the commander. Splendid!" one of the Elders reply. I roll my eyes sinking back into the concrete seat.

"And if I don't a bid?" I question raising a curious brow. Nikolai hits me in the arm with his elbow.

"Elisabeta" he whispers warningly.

"You have no choice. You are my daughter and you will do as you are told" my father demands.

I slam my hands on the table as I stand up abruptly. I peer over each and every one of the Elders. My eyes landing last on my fathers. I give him a disgusted snarl.

"I may be of your blood, but you will never be my father" I hiss.

All of a sudden he stands in front of me and raises his hand to my face. All too suddenly his fist collides with my cheekbone. I yelp in pain from the immediate burning on my skin and bone. Tears threaten to fall from my eyes as I stare at him in the eyes. Nothing. Just the power lust crimson pupils looking back at me. Seeing me as just an object it can control to gain more power for itself.

"Why can't you be like your brother and do what you are told! You're a pathetic excuse of a Royal Pureblood! Selfish you are!" he spat at me.

"Oh trust me father you are the only selfish one in this room" I bite back turning my back to him.

"You wouldn't be acting like this if your mother were here!" he excuses. I chuckle at his words as I turn back around to face him.

"Yeah? And neither would you" I bellow as I storm out of the room and don't hesitate to slam the doors behind me. Not even seconds later I hear the sound of the doors creaking open. I didn't have to turn around to know who it was.

"Nikolai leave me alone. Now is not the time brother" I continue walking away from that disaster.

I'm stopped in my steps as Nikolai grabs a hold of me. He peers down over me as he over looks my face. His fingers reach up to graze my skin. I grab his wrist before he could touch me.

"I'm fine Nikolai. Now let me be" I say through clenched teeth as I feel my fangs start to promulgated. I throw his arm down and to his side. Worry spreads across his face but I didn't care, I needed to let off steam and his presence wasn't helping. I begin to walk away clenching my hands into fists drawing blood.


I turn around and roar back at him . My fangs threatening to cause damage if he didn't obliged to my wishes. He steps back in understanding, his head falling to face the ground. I feel my body relax as I turn back around and leave the palace. I walk through the village, the small buildings surrounding me making me feel even more caged in.

After walking around the town aimlessly for hours I decide to head back to my bed room and get rest. As I walk the path to my room I can't stop thinking on what's going to happen. Nikolai is venturing outside of these walls in search of a wife to keep the family heir, and to create any allies. Our village isn't known for communicating outside these walls because of the Elders they believed it would bring a curse. They weren't fond of the idea at first but our father persuaded them.

I still curse his name for being the reason that he is sending off Nikolai to possibly get himself killed. Nikolai is the good child. He always is doing what he is told do, never steps out of line, and has grown respect from the other vampires in the town including the Elders. After he is wed and has made an heir they want him to become one of them. He'll oblige to this request because that's the kind of man and son he is.

He always tries to please father any chance he can get. In which I don't understand why. The man abandoned us after mother died. Left us to be raised by the maids.

I walk in my room and change into my nightgown, and as I lay down on my bed I continue to think. I have yet to tell Lucius about the arrangement with Edmond. I dread having to tell him. I don't want to be with Edmond, he is a very kind gentleman but he's just not what I want.

Over the years he grew nicer and kinder to me and I thought nothing of it until a couple of months ago I found out that he asked my father for my hand in marriage. I've never seen father happier. His daughter would be wed to the commander of the armory, an ensure of my safety he would have. But I didn't feel safe with him, I felt trapped just like this home, this village.

I peer out the window and see the moon's bright light illuminating across my room. It was almost a full moon. I always found beauty in the moon it set calm to my tensions.

Suddenly the sound of howling from a distance rings through my ears. A small smile spreads across my lips as I recognize the noise.

"Goodnight Lucius."

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