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(Kya P.o.v)

Well after a month of training its finally time. Time to fight against Max and his army. Time to get Kate back. Time to kill Max. All the men and women of the blue moon pack and Uktena pack. The young ones are left home with some women to watch over them. It's funny. When I was a kid I never saw this happening to me. It just shows how much things change.

I look down at the battlefield, as I and the rest were up on a hill near by. It's dark, only like being the shining stars and moon. It's a shame that such a beautiful sight has to witness such a thing as war. The only thing seen in my vision is Max castle. All big gray and dark. It would be a breath taking scen if it was on better events.

"The battle will start any minute. We've train more then enough. But don't expect this to be easy." I turn to listen to Ashers speech. "These creatures are a worthy component to us. But we have our special wepons." I check for my amulet and dust. Thank God for Kim and Ricco. Speaking of them, I can see that Kim's wings are black and sharp blades, her wepon. And Ricco is going over his spells in his spellbook. 7.005 Mija is buissy to. Sitoria is in her full wolf form and Ash shape shifted to look just like her. Islan has one of his arms completely set on fire, while the other is frozen in ice.

"Think of your friends and family enslaved and mistreated. Use that to fuel you." I state. "It's only a matter of time til they come be ready." i turn back to the night sky thinking, this could be the last time I it.

As If on que the hiss of bats shot threw my ear. The sky is filled with the blood suckers and not forget the field. Unworldly looking demons come to view. To the average this is the time to flee. But to me its just another obstacle.

We all switch into our wolf form and did a group howl before charging to the scen. All three creatures clash into a death battle. I fight side by side with my fellow wolves. Biting the neck of demons ignoring the painful cries. Dust blows at the side of my vision, bats drop like flies.

"Mija now." at my command Ash turned into a giant four legged creature of some sort, stomping on what ever was in her way. The bright light of fire shoots the air sending vampires with smoking wings.

"Kya!" I turn to see Asher run to the castel as I follow. We enter the unlocked building in a hurry. Although we are ready for any. Asher sniffs the air. "I can smell her. She's this way." We rush up the stairs to a long hall, looking familiar to me because this is the way to Max office. We walk to his office slowly, trying to avoid any traps.

We enter the room to see a girl, Kate? She's curled up on the floor, hair in front of her face, sobbiblng.

"Kate?" I ask unsure Asher gasp walking to her, but stoped dead in his tracks. 'Kate' was now laughing. Cackleing, more like. What the Hell is going on?

"Hey dollface." Oh God why? Max comes out of the shadows.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2016 ⏰

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