Gangs in- Who?

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Peter went over to the bushes to check who the body was. He gave a disappointed sigh. He got his hopes up, the body was all burnt and bloody but it was none of them, it was just Ziggy. He went back north to go to the Shadow HQ in Gangbuk-Gu. Gun shot. Blood everywhere. . .

08:00am 16/5/3030

A gang in Gwangjin-Gu arrived in their mountain bungalow/base after a long day of scavenging the nearby farm area. It was very difficult to have to climb a mountain every day just to get into their small bungalow. Despite this, they loved it nonetheless. It was far away from most of the civilization so they could go trigger happy on the wild animals that roam the mountain. One of the gang leaders, Holly, would always play the radio to one of her favourite kpop groups. It's South Korea after all. One of the lyrics said "I'm so stupid" which would always make her laugh. She was a fairly short person, around 5'3.


Meanwhile, everybody else was carrying on minding their own business. Ignoring Alex as if he was never even there. The day went by as normal. Holly and Alex would generally fight a lot about who is the better leader. Aiden and Fra were busy running around the mountainous regions of Gwangjin seeing who was the faster one of the two and Nicole was trying to read another fan-fiction about some kPop idols. This gang, Hopeless, was one of the more 'peaceful' gangs but they were still one of the main gangs located in South Korea.


Hopeless were just wondering around their district looking for things to scavenge from the old cracked buildings. They'd soon have a quick topic change which was a surprise to everyone but Holly.

"LISTEN UP GANG! WE'RE GONNA HAVE A QUICK MISSION CHANGE!!" She shouted trying her best to be clear to her comrades, "I'm gonna be blunt, our current base is: old, a pain to get to and even more of a pain to get down from. So, we're gonna go looking for a new area to claim ours. Clear?"

Even Alex, the other leader was speechless, he really enjoyed their current base but decided it'd be for the best not to interfere with Holly's plan.

"YESSS, FINALLY!!!!" Screeched Nicole who was the least athletic and most unfit person in their group.

So, Hopeless started looking for a new area in the neighbourhood, still close to the mountains, to claim as theirs and slowly make it their home.

There were four main gangs in Seoul, South Korea in general. Shadow, Hopeless, Syndicate and last but not least, Crimson. They all hated and liked each other. Yin and Yang but split in four ways. They were rivals but without each other, the gangs wouldn't even exist. Shadow - The smartest gang, their members were one of the smartest in the whole of Asia. Hopeless - As their name entitles, they're hopeless in any combat situation so they try to stay away from all of the violence against other gangs they can but they're one of the best in resource management. Syndicate - The most ruthless gang in all of Asia, 'Kill or be Killed'. Crimson - The most powerful gang in the whole world. Guns? Swords? Fists? They excel in all categories of fighting, they just don't fight randomly.

They'd soon end up sitting down next to the 'Children's Grand Park'. Holly and Alex decided that they were going to make that their temporary base. Aiden and Fra highly agreed on the idea to have a theme park as their base because there was a lot of room to run around and exercise but it all seemed pretty emotionless and empty. The paint was peeling off, the pavements were cracked and barely even holding still and the water wasn't even clean.


Hopeless have spent over 3 hours trying to make the amusement park comfortable enough to sleep in. They'd just about have done making the finishing touches in where they were going to spend the night. Occasionally, Nicole would say a really good idea. Now was that time; She pointed out that the staff room would be a perfect room to stay in. It was big, comfortable and probably the cleanest part of the whole park.

Meanwhile, across the Cheonggyecheon river, Crimson gang were training, shooting guns and hitting punching bags violently as if it were their actual enemy. Their base of operation was located in the Gangnam district, the southern most gang in all of Seoul. They were preparing to travel back north, but not toward the Shadow gang.

AN: So sorry for the shorter chapter than usual, also sorry for not updating yesterday!! Making a new update schedule, Wednesday and Sunday. The chapter was quite rushed so sorry if it doesn't seem all that exciting...

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