Part 1

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In this argument, Cyprus didn't have the slightest idea where to stand.

A few moments ago, he and his elder brother Greece, were debating on which of their cats were the cutest (the extensive discussion narrowed it down to Mátia, Pódia, or Kósmima) when Turkey burst through the door, threatening to burn their small abode by sunset if Greece didn't repair his garden. His reasoning was supported with the accusation that someone or the other, "trashed up his garden so badly it looked like the Mongol's reign on China." In addition, he was also thoroughly convinced Greece was the culprit. 

While Cyprus did greatly love and admire his elder brother, he still stood speechless. What the heck was going on?


"I haven't done ANYTHING," Greece hissed, barely managing his temper. All he planned for that morning was a quiet debate on kittens, not a rampaging Turkish man accusing him of something he had never done. Oh, and had he mentioned that he had the irresistible urge to punch him every time Greece got a glimpse of his face?

"Yeah, right," the Turkish man sneered, sarcasm eminent in his voice, to the point it was almost dripping like venom. He folded his arms across his chest and huffed out some more curses.

"It's true!" Cyprus pipped up. "He was here with me, all morning!"

The bickering duo looked over to the Grecian younger brother. Greece smiled softly with satisfaction, while Turkey paused for a moment.

Realization dawned upon the Turkish man in a few moments, and he began to fume, quite literally. Steam seemed to be emitting from his ears.

His demeanor quickly escalated to menacing and furious, and his nostrils flared up. Gritting his teeth, he cried out. "Of course! It must've been your goddamned cats!"


Greece exploded like a time bomb. He was on the verge of screaming just a few moments ago, barely containing his frustration and hatred for the Turkey, when he snapped. No one, not anyone, would diss cats in front of him and get away with it. It was the very final straw.

"MY CATS? It's not their fault you're such a disorganized, lazy slob!" he thundered.
Greece's sudden outburst left Cyprus and Turkey speechless and stunned. The Turkish man, however, quickly recollected himself with a mocking laugh.

"You're calling me lazy?" he smirked with triumph. "I haven't met a bigger, fatter sloth than you! May I remind you whose economy is slowly collapsing due to their lack of trust and hard work?"
"At least my country isn't on the verge of war!"

"At this rate, you'll soon be too!"

And within moments, both countries were at each other's necks in a ferocious battle of insults.
One after another, each of them would blurt out and exaggerate each other's faults. Each of them would put on an air of superiority, though it was immediately crushed by the other's comeback.  

To be honest, these outbreaking fights weren't unusual. Nearly every day, both of them would engage in a fierce and intense argument over petty things. For example, Turkey would scoff at Greece's coat, and then the two would begin to bicker, before a full blown-out fist-fight would ensue.

In fact, the duo were so notorious for irking each other on a daily basis that they were rightfully nicknamed "the bickering duo". 

Did the two hate each other? Possibly, yes. Even so, however, the two of them never exchanged words like "kill yourself" or anything directly of that sort. 

But right now, Cyprus could plainly see if the two didn't calm down, someone was going to get their house burned down.

"I can't wait till you reach hell!" Greece shouted, eyes glaring daggers.

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