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My name's Karen; code name: The Viper. I am a murderess. I get paid to kill. That's what I do. The Boss gives me the name, and then my job begins. But this time it's different. My soon-to-be victim is special. He was my husband... but that's not what makes it special! I mean, I would've killed my husband if I was supposed to anyways! I would've done that if The Boss ordered me to; And no regrets! Cause that's what I'm trained to do! But what makes this particular case different is... he's not only my husband...

...but also my boss. And he will pay for what he had done to me.


"Mitch... help me!"

"I guess I am doing so already!!!", he said in an almost angry tone; "but as I said, you can't stay here for long...I don't want any trouble!"

"Hah...you don't want any trouble?! Oh please! You are a killer for God's sake! You already ARE in trouble mister!!!

"We are not the same, you and I! And you know that!!!"; he still had his angry tone on.

"Listen...Mitch....I'm not who you think I am!"

"I don't need to THINK anything, you already said it yourself! You're a murderess and apparently..." 

I didn't let him finish: "and apparently DON'T WANT to be one anymore!!!!"

I heard myself; I was shouting... and...sobbing! That was rare...but I was sobbing...

"Mitchell...please at least listen to me!"

I hated myself for those tears falling down my face...but I couldn't help it...

"Ok! Tell me your story then! But know this...I'm nor good...neither gentle... so do not count on my help!"

"It's my ex-husband... "

He interrupted me:" Aaaaand you want me to kill him cause he's an abusive bastard?!" he said in his most sarcastic tone....

I ignored him.

"...who is also my former boss....and yes! He is abusive! He is the most abusive bastard you could ever think of! And I couldn't take that shit anymore...I just couldn't!!! So I fucking left the squad!!! But that motherfucker haunted me!!!! He's after me, Mitch... he wants me back and he'll do anything to get me back!"

"What do you want me to do, hide you from him?!"

"I CAN'T RUNAWAY FROM HIM ANYMORE!!!! Mitch! ... He has my sister!!!"

This was the first time in 20 years that I was actually... crying. I was wounded, hurt, broken...and to think of that bastard had my sister... I couldn't help those tears.

Mitch stayed silent. Took his eyes away from me and started staring at the wall in front of him. 

Finally, with a fainted voice, he replied :"and you want me to help you save her?!"

"And to kill Frank! Mitch, he is the most abusive human being you could ever imagine... if I tell you the number of men and women he abused... 

Mitch...Frank is the type you hunt for! And now he is the only one "I" hunt for! Please! I can't do it on my own..."

He was still staring at the blank white wall in front of him, listening carefully, without saying anything...he blinked a few times, looked around nervously, as if he was trying to make up his mind.

"He has your sister, you said?"

"Yes...we used to work for him together... I told her I'll runaway...I asked her to come...but...she said she didn't want to risk it! She said she was happy in the squad...and..."

He finally turned his head and looked at me.

I looked into his brown eyes, with my eyes still covered in tears.

"Frank will do anything to have me back, Mitch! She's in danger! Help me! Please!"

He looked away again... paused for a very long time, while staring at his white blank wall; and during all that time, he didn't even moved a little bit, didn't even blink.

Finally he ended the agonizing silence with a sigh.

"You need to recover first...and we both need sleep..."

I almost shouted in distress;"Is that a yes?!"

He didn't answer my question. He stretched while yawning-and the expression on his face! Suddenly all I could see in his face, all I could get from that expression...was...comfort?! And he seemed like nothing has happened! Like it was a regular day! A regular, but busy, day at work(!) and now he needed to sleep to get ready for another day!

He took a quick look at the mirror in the living room.

"Damn...all of this make up! I need to wash it, don't you think?!"

He sounded so calm-I couldn't believe it!

He didn't even bother to look at me again-like I wasn't there at all!- and headed upstairs, probably for the bedroom.

Although, he paused for a moment while walking up the stairs, and took a moment to look at me again. And before going on, asked me a question-the last sentence he said that night, before falling fast asleep.

"What did you say your name was?!"

"Karen....my name is Karen."

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