Chapter 5✔️

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Layla POV
Today me and Grayson were getting together to do our homework but I don't want him to ask about my cuts, scars,burns and bruises.

I walk to his house and knock on the door. The door opened and I see two little girls with brown hair and bright blue eyes staring up at me. I think they are twins.

" hello is Grayson here?" I ask looking down at the cute girls.

" hi I'm Abbi and this is Alli. Grayson is in the shower so come in" Abbi says getting out of the way to let me in. The girls shut the door and smile at me.

" girls who's at the door" I hear as Grayson comes down the stairs with wet hair and wearing some shorts and no shirt.

" hi are we still..." I start but get cut off.

" oh yeah sorry" he says leading up stairs to his room. His room was a normal bedroom. His walls blue and surprisingly the room was neat.

" we are leaving" I hear the twins yell from downstairs as the door opens and shuts. I look over a Grayson in confusion.

" they're going to a friends house for a bit." He says putting on a shirt and getting out his homework and laying it on his bed.

We do our homework for a bit.

" so what happened earlier today?" He asks looking up at me from his homework.

" nothing I'm fine" I give him a small smile and look back down at my page.

" your not fine, Who hurt you?" He asks getting annoyed I'm not telling him.

" I'm fine, can we please go back to work" I say getting angry. I drop my pencil on the bed and give him a glare.

" no, I need to make sure your okay" he yells at me. Gosh why can't he leave it and me alone?

" why do you care last time I checked you could care less about me" I yell back at him.

"I don't know why I care. Your just a little rich brat the gets everything they ever wanted. You don't understand the struggles I go through each day! Raising two young girls, supporting to young girls. I'm still learning to take care of myself! But you wouldn't understand cause daddy buys me everything I want" he yells at me.

" I may not know your struggles but do you have an abusive father that beats you everyday and your his slave? Do you starve yourself cause if your father knew you gained weight you'd dead? Do you have no friends because you have to keep a secret? Do you sit on your bed and cry yourself to sleep because you feel all alone and do you ever want to just end your life? I didn't think so. So don't you ever say I don't know anything about life's struggles because my whole life is one big fat struggle!" I yell. Tears flow down my face dripping onto my page. Grayson seems shocked at first but quickly hugs me.

" oh my god I'm so sorry I didn't know. We need to call the police and.."

" no if they found out they would make it worse. I tried it with my best friend but the police didn't believe me and my father almost killed me and killed my best friend" I cry. I miss Taylor. She was my best friend. She didn't deserve to die. It's all my fault. He is a monster. He decided to teach me a lesson, if I ever told anyone again I would be the one to die this time.

" it's all my fault" I mumble " she died because of me" I mumble some more, tears slowly running down my cheeks.

" no it's not your fault okay. You did nothing wrong" He says trying to comfort me.

" please don't tell anyone" I beg him. I look at him in the eyes. If he tells someone I'm screwed.

" I won't but on one condition" he says.

" what?" I gulp.

" you let me help you" he says wiping my tears away.

" okay" I nod seeing that it's a fair deal.

He leans in and we kissed. It was amazing. I felt fireworks exploding in my stomach. We pull away and I can't help but wonder why he kissed me.

" as long as your with me no one will hurt you I promise" he says kissing my cheek.

Grayson POV
She has a Father that beats her up. I can't believe she's been hiding that. I'm gonna do my best to protect her. I think I'm falling in love. I know I hardly know her but I just can't seem to get enough, call it what ever you want but I'm calling it love.

" Grayson I'm sorry for yelling at you. You were just trying to help." She says looking up at me.

" no I'm sorry I shouldn't have called you a brat. I didn't mean it. I was mad because I wanted to help but you wouldn't let me" I explain to her.

" I have to go or my father will hurt me" she says looking at the time then getting up.

" wait I want to know where you live in case something happens to you" I say kissing her cheek gently.

" I live ( a/n just make up your own address)"

" ok be safe Layla" I say hugging her goodbye.

" ok bye" she says walking back home. I would drive her but if her Father caught us he'd hurt her. All I know is that I really like Layla.

Layla secret is out. Will Grayson keep her secret? Does Layla like Grayson?

So how's the book so far? Please Vote and comment what you think. And this story may be confusing so if it is tell me so I can clear things up. Bye 😋😋

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