Chapter Twenty Four

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I spent the rest of the day with Keith, hiding away in every empty room we could find.  Apparently the smack I'd taken a liking to was of the highest grade, and it felt so good running through our veins. I felt like nothing could hurt me, and I was immune to any pain. Lucky for Keith and I, we were both being washed over with a funny kind of peacefulness. Our conversations were mellow and made me admire Keith even more than I already did. He used to be a little shy one, fumbling over his words and trying so hard for everyone's approval. As our conversations deepened, you could see past the bad boy façade. If you were lucky, even catch a glimpse at the young child underneath, silly and unaware. In the beginning, I was intimidated seeing as how he swayed so carelessly, all swathed in shade. Now, I felt closer to him in every way. Fearless and full of love. He made me forget there was anything wrong with my life, and it attracted me more. Keith made for a great distraction, but Mick was still ever present in my mind. Just because I ended one of the most unforgettable adventures of my life, didn't mean the love wasn't still there. It was something I never understood until I experienced it myself. It reminded me of a song Stephen Stills wrote and sung for us before it was to be released. The lyrics rang heartbreakingly true for me-

Tearing yourself away from me now, you are free, and I am crying, this does not mean I don't love you. I do, that's forever, yes, and for always.

Keith had my heart at that moment, but Mick had it always.

"A swim sounds nice right about now." Keith spoke, parting his perfect pout. He stood from the hard wood floor we'd decorated with numerous blankets and pillows and held his hand out for me. I grabbed it, ready to splash around in the crystal water with him. We stepped hand in hand down the staircase, and I was a little surprised at what I saw. The moonlight streamed in through the big window in the living room. I realized that Keith and I had been hiding away upstairs nearly all day. I turned my head, facing the right and saw Mick sprawled out across the little white chair next to the couch. His eyes pierced my sorrowful soul, as he noticed Keith and I's hands fit together like two puzzle pieces. I contemplated snatching it away, but decided to keep holding it so Mick would see that I was fine without him. We didn't question why he was here, as it was pretty obvious.

"Where is everyone?" I questioned as my insecure tone shone through.

"They left. Took the jet and just left." Mick replied very quickly and angrily. I was confused and nearly panicked at the thought that I might lose my job if I didn't get back, and the only way to get back in time was by the jet. The jet in which they supposedly left in.

"What do you mean? How am I supposed to get back? I have to get back." My words fluttered out from my lips and seemed to fly away. "Keith?" I looked at him for reassurance when the room went silent.

"Don't worry, I'll call them and see what's going on." He put his hand on the small of my back, rubbing circles with his thumb. I nodded my head as he began to race to the telephone. It was sitting on a little table next to the big grand piano that gave the whole room a sort of elegance.

"No need to. Charlie already called and explained everything." Mick piped up, still infuriated. Keith and I waited for an explanation, but he remained silent.

"Are you gonna sit there and twiddle your thumbs, or are you gonna tell us what's going on?" I pressed him for an answer, but he seemed too agitated to speak.

"I don't know how they expect us to just sit here, and work things out." Mick threw his hands in the air, and stared at the floor. We then realized what we were here for. They left us here in hopes that we would figure out our problems. It totally seemed like something they would do, and it almost hurt my feelings. I didn't ask for details, as my mind just continued to race. I didn't even know how long they'd be gone, but I'd given up.

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