Chapter 11

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When I woke up Tyler was still asleep so I got up and made breakfast when he woke up I had just finished the bacon he came behind me while I was still cooking and hugged me from behind I'll never get used to him doing that I love it
"I knew I woke up for a reason" he said
My smile grew bigger
"Yeah cause you missed me" I say as I turned to face him and kissed him quickly before putting the food on the plates I sat down at the kitchen island Tyler soon sat beside me then Ryan came in and fixed him a plate him and Tyler just kept on smiling and wouldn't stop
"Okay why are y'all smiling it's kinda scaring me " I said
"Because I know a secret that your going to freak when Tyler tells you" Ryan said I turned to Tyler so fast
"What is it what is it what is it what is it" I said like a little kid
"Well for the date I was wondering how would you like to go to.....Disney land " I screamed and literally tackled him to the ground hugged and kissed him over and over again
"For real" I said
"Yeah so get ready so we can leave" he said
"Omg I'm gonna meet Mickey Mouse I'm gonna get Mikey ears and hoodies and clothes omg I'm going to Disney land" I said which made Tyler and Ryan start laughing
"Gosh Zoe your like a little kid" Ryan said I rolled my eyes running upstairs to change I changed into some light washed jean shorts and a cute white and black striped crop top with a sweater because it was kinda cold outside still but not really with some white converse and grabbed my keys phone wallet and was out the door in the passenger seat waiting for Tyler who took his sweet time coming to the car which made me mad
"Today please " I yelled out the window which finally made him come to the car when he turned the car on I turned the radio up he was driving because I didn't know how to get there but anyway I started singing along to the radio and so did Tyler at times which was funny because he wasn't singing his hardest and was more like yelling the words out which was funny still kinda tired I fell asleep in the car ride there when Tyler woke me up we were here I jumped out of the car so fast almost knocking down Tyler which was funny I ran strait to Starbucks and got some coffee then I went to see Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse then we all took pictures and some people took pictures of me and Tyler I was on his back for most of them then Tyler took me to go on rides and stuff like that when we finished it was night time so we went to the gift shop and got matching Mikey and Minnie Mouse sweaters aaahhhh it has been the best day ever

Tyler's POV
After she practically tackled me to the ground giving me hugs and kisses I realized what am I doing, Tyler Stevens does not fall in love with people but with Zoey it's different she makes me feel all happy and goofy and that I could actually tell her everything which I can't because if she knew she would be in some real danger she's already in danger being with me I can't date her anymore it's for her on good so after Disney land I'm gonna tell her we can't date I have a bad past that I don't want her getting into by being with me I just care about her to much to put her in that kind of danger

Zoey's POV
The whole day at Disney land Tyler has been in his own world right now we are in the car ride home and he won't even look at me we pull into my drive way so I go to kiss him goodnight but he pulls away
"Okay Tyler what's wrong ever since this mornings my you have been off you won't even talk to me or kiss me " I say
"I'm sorry Zoey but we just can't be together anymore I don't want to hurt you I care about you to much to do this to you" he said while tears well up in my eyes I turn to get our of the car to go inside as soon as I get inside I start to cry my eyes out he just broke up with me I knew this was coming I mean it's what he does he breaks girls hearts like their some toy to play with well I'm gonna teach him a lesson make him see that us girls are not some toy you can play with starting tomorrow I'm gonna make him feel like I do but for now I'm going to sleep

A/N hey guys sorry for the wait but I spent a long time writing this and I hope you guys like it as always please vote and comment bye guys

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