Chapter 1

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^^picture of zoey

Ugh Monday who invented Monday's and why ..... I reached for my phone to turn off my alarm that I set the night before as I do so my brother Ryan burst through my door.
"Ugh what do you want Ryan." I said
"Your still in bed dang zoe you need to get up coach wants to meet for an early football practice so hurry up " Ryan said.
I got up and made my way to the closet I grabbed a crop top and some black high waisted shorts with my converse and made my way to my bathroom to change and put my make up on and curl my hair then made my way down stairs to the living room and grabbed my bag and keys and ran out the door and got in the passenger seat of Ryan's car when we got to school I began my day ..... By the way do you guys know that I hate school well if you didn't I do.
So on my way to homeroom the one and the only Tyler smith (the schools bad boy) walked right in to me
"Hey watch it" I said
"Excuse me?" He said
Annoyed I said "you heard me next time watch where your going"
The seemed to really annoy him so he just walked right by me shoulder pushing me already annoyed I just went about my day and walked into homeroom late and the only seat available was in between Tyler and his friend scanning the room again hoping that there was another seat somewhere there wasn't just my Luck I slowly make my way over to the seat and ask "is this seat taken" and Tyler's friend said "yeah by you pretty girl " Tyler rolls his eyes "don't mind him but no you can sit here if u want" I smile at him and sit down and after that Tyler didn't talk to me anymore but his friend Dustin and me had a very good conversation the bell rang signaling second block I sat down beside my bestfriends Olivia (liv) and Lilly (lil)
"Hey guys" I said
"Hey Zoe" liv said
We sat there and made small talk about classes and mess then the bell rang for lunch when I went to sit down I had barely sat down when out of nowhere Dustin came and grabbed my arm to drag me to his table but not before I grabbed liv arm who then grabbed Lils Arm if I'm going down their coming with me we sat down me beside Dustin liv beside me and lil beside her we three just sat there in awakard silence until the bell rang for third block for the rest of the day me and my friends just talked during classes after school I waited in the library for Ryan to get done with football while I was waiting Tyler walked in with his football gear on and came over to me " what do u want " I said
"Your brother told me to come get you"he said
"Okay thanks I guess talk to you later bye " I said
"Bye" he said
I walked to my brothers car and got in and we went home I went upstairs to my room trying to find my phone when I couldn't find it I must have screamed bloody murder cause Ryan came running upstairs
" what in the world Zoe" he said
" MY PHONE I LOST MY PHONE  do you know how important my phone is all my photos all my textes my Instagram Facebook Twitter tumblr Pinterest Spotify "-I was cut off
"Zoey breath"Ryan said
"Zoey calm down you probably left it at school I'll look for it tomorrow okay " he said
"Okay thanks" I said
"Your welcome now get some sleep it's 12:00"he said
"Good night Ryan" I said
"Good night Zoey" he said
Then he left and I changed into my pajamas and went to sleep

A/n so I hope you guys liked this first chapter I will try to write the next chapter tomorrow so for now have a good rest of the day or night bye guys

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