The Green County Region!

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The Green County Region

Hero's bedroom


Outside our hero's bedroom is a vast landscape of fields with tall sunflowers along with a vast selection of other floral plants. Plump and healthy miltanks graze on the grass as a pidgeot swoops from above them landing on a nearby fence. The pidgeot makes it presence known and does its daily morning call.

Kassie: urgh!!! Just give me five more minutes, it way too early to get up. (Falls back into a slumber.)

Kassies dad: Kassie! Wake up or you will be late to start the first trip on your new adventure!

Kassie: (groggily talking while half asleep.) It's only sssunday... the chosssing of my starter doesn't happen until Monday... (Jumps up after a minute as she consciously remembers the actual day.)

Monday! It's finally here! The day I start my adventure and go out on my own!

She rushes to get dressed and wears her favorite red blouse with navy blue jeans. Right before she dashes to the bedroom door, she quickly glances to check her hair at her dresser's mirror. When she is satisfied she grabs a pair of black fingerless trainer gloves before exiting her room.

As she enters the kitchen, she sees it is a gorgeous morning with rays of sunshine shining threw the kitchen windows. She is greeted by her father and scyther.

Dad: Good morning sunshine! (He greets as he is washing some dishes, before adding.) Eggs sunny side up and a bacon smile are waiting for you at the table. (He says as she pulls out a chair and sits down to eat.)

I can't believe my girl is going to get her own Pokemon! What about you scyther? Don't you remember when she was just barely about to get out of diapers?

Scyther: Scyther! (Applies and nods happily in agreement.)

Kassie: Dad you don't have to get all mushy about it, I will always write letters!

Dad: I know honey, I am just blown away by how much you grew. I am so excited for you I just need to find help maintaining the family farm.

Kassie: Well you always find a way dad, besides you have Scyther to help out. He especially can help you cut all the crab grass that you despise so much!

Dad: That's right! That he can!

Kassie glances at the clock on the kitchen wall it reads 8:50am.

Kassie: It's 8:50! Oh no! (She drops her fork and takes one last gulp of her orange juice.) I have to run! Thank you dad for breakfast, have a great day! Bye scyther! (She nearly finishes as she dashes out the front door to the start of her journey to become a Pokemon trainer.)

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