Chapter 3

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[A/N: This is the part where I start to question my roleplaying abilities] 

Antonio smiled and began to clean up his mess before tending to the other customer; a regular named Matthias who wanted Gilbert to add onto his sleeve. The brunette pulled the Prussian out of his sulk and spent the remainder of the day in the break room. He really hoped Lovino would call or text him, work related or not. But it really didn't matter since Antonio would be seeing him in the flower shop tomorrow. They stayed open since 9:30 p.m. and decided to close up shop. Gilbert had been in a pissy mood all day and had been wanting to leave for hours. The Spaniard was left by himself to close. He watered all of the flowers in his parlor and finally locked up, stuffing the keys into his pocket.

At the apartment he lived in, Lovino was alone. He spend the rest of his day watching tv, or texting online friends on his phone. He was now lying on his bed, looking at the card Antonio gave him. He really wanted to text him. And so he did. He typed the number on his phone and added Antonio to his contact under the name "Spanish Bastard". And now was time for the tricky part: How to greet him. He thought of just saying "Hi, this is Lovino" but shook he head. That's too basic. He needed something that well automatically let Antonio know it's him. So he typed "Hello bastard, it's me Lovino" and took a mental moment before sending the message. Afterwards he kept his eye on the phone, watching for a message to appear.

Antonio was nearly home to his cozy studio when his phone buzzed in his pocket. He slowed his stride as he fished it out and read the message, a smile creeping up onto his face. With quick fingers, he replied, "Hey, Lovi! What do you need?" he sent it and kept his phone clutched in his hand as he arrived to his building and began to climb the stairs.

There it was. The message he was waiting for. His heart thumped hard as he read it. He used his texting thumbs to quickly reply, "I just wanted to text you. Because I'm bored. Problem?"

"No, no problem :^) What are you doing?" he typed as he reached his floor, once again taking his keys out of his pocket to unlock his door. He walked in and quickly slipped off his shoes, and eventually stripped nude on his way to the bathroom.

Lovino didn't want him to know that he was literally do nothing. Feeling a bit mischievous, Lovino smirked as he tapped the screen of his phone, "Not you." Chuckling evilly he sent the message. Then feeling bad he went to sent another message, "Kidding. I'm laying in bed texting people."

Antonio saw the message and let out a short laugh, turning on the shower before typing, "Oh, you're so cruel, Lovi."

"So. What are you doing?" Lovino texted back, biting his lip to hold back a genuine smile. As much as he would hate to admit, he was actually getting very excited texting Antonio.

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