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Jack started to record when he heard muffled screaming. "Thank God he has those sound proof foam padding on his walls." Jack grumbled. He knew it was his roommate Mark, who also recorded videos. "Since he is screaming so loud, I'll just get something to eat." He walked out of his room, passing Mark's room, which had the door ajar. Jack peeked in.
"Ah fuck!" Mark screamed. Jack tried to hold in a chuckle. He proceeded to go to the kitchen. By the time he got there, he didn't hear Mark screaming anymore. "Huh, he must have finished." Jack concluded. He walked out to the living room with food in his hands and saw Mark sitting on the couch. "Hey Mark! Hows the recording going?" Jack asked. "Huh?" Mark asked. "How's the recording going?" Jack asked once more. "Oh uh, good..."Mark mumbled and went into a daze while Jack was talking about what games he was going to play. Jack realized that Mark wasn't paying attention to him. He waved his hand in Mark's face, concerned. "Mark are you okay?" Jack was worried about the man. "Huh, yeah..." Mark trailed off. He got up and walked to his room. Jack felt his heart break a little.

Mark's POV

I switched off the monitor to my computer, which had the game i was playing. It was a fan game about Jack and I. It was about an adventure about us. And in the end, we got together and became boyfriend and boyfriend. Which got me thinking about Jack. Could Jack like me? Mark thought. No way, he would never. But do I like him? Mark found himself thinking about the good qualities of Jack. He has a good personality, and he is cute. Mark started to think. He found himself likeing Jack more and more. So I do like Jack! Mark concluded. But Jack doesn't like me. Mark sighed. He turned the computer monitor on again and started editing videos.

Jack turned on the TV to watch a movie. He glanced back to Mark's room. Wonder what that was about? Jack thought. He seemed to be in a daze. Was he thinking about something? Jack wondered. Was he thinking about his channel? His fans? Maybe even me? Jack took a gulp. No way, he wouldn't, would he? Jack found himself crushing on the man.

{Le epic time skip, because it is three months later now}

Mark invited Bob and Wade over for a little get together. The doorbell rang and Jack opened the door. "Hey guys!!" Jack greeted. "Hey!" Bob replied. "Nice place!" Wade complimented. "Thanks! You guys should come in. I'll call Mark." Jack said. "MARK!!!" Jack shouted. "BOB AND WADE ARE HERE!!!" "I'M COMING" Mark shouted. He walked out of his room and greeted Bob and Wade. "Hey guys!!!" "Hey!" They both replied. "You guys live here together right?" Bob asked. "Yep!" Jack replied. "You guys don't do anything scandalous do you?" Wade teased. Jack felt his face heat up while Mark had his face become pink. "No we dont!!" Mark defended. Both Bob and Wade laughed. "Relax man! I was just kidding!!" Both Jack and Mark relaxed but was still blushing. "Now let's play some games." Bob suggested and walked into the living room with Wade. Jack and Mark glanced at each other, Jack immediately looked away, while Mark kept staring at Jack. Jack followed Bob and Wade while Mark lingered a bit until he followed.

{Time skip}

Both Bob and Wade left, and Mark and Jack were cleaning up. When they  were finished they sat down on the couch. Jack put on a movie and was watching it but Mark was staring at Jack. "Jack." Mark said. "Yea?" Jack turned to look at Mark and found himself being kissed my him. At first he was shocked. But he kissed back. And the kiss turned into a passionate kiss. {But nothing more! Muahaha! No smut for you guys ;p} They pulled away a little and they bumped foreheads gently and stared into each other's eyes for a while. "What was that for?" Jack asked. "It was because I love you" Mark answered. They both smiled. "I love you too." Jack said and they watched the movie again, with Jack snuggled up next to Mark, and Mark putting his arm around Jack, hugging him tightly.

Thank You for reading!

Yay! Another story done!! If you guys have any requests I will take them. I liked how this turned out. And let me know if you guys want want smut. Or if you want to keep it just fluff. Anyways, Bye for now!

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