Park Love

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"There we go!" Jack sighed. He just finished tying his shoelaces, ready to go for a run. He opened the door and started running to the nearest park. As he ran, he noticed the abundance of wilderness around him. He kept his eyes on the things around him, he only saw out of the corner of his eye the other runners. He kept his eyes on a squirrel running just in front of him, but he didn't notice another runner running towards him. {If that makes sense}

Jack bumped into the other person, falling onto the ground. "Oh no! Are you okay? I'm sorry!" The deep voice said. "Yea, im okay." Jack said as he got up. "And it's my fault, I wasn't looking where I was going..." Jack trailed off as he looked at the new person. It was a man, slightly taller than him, with red, floofy hair. With the most handsome face and Jack could see that he had a sculpted body. Jack immediately felt his face heat up. "Are you sure you're okay?"the man asked again. "Yea, I'm okay." Jack replied. "Okay, but I'll run with you just incase." Jack felt his face heat up even more. "O- okay" Jack fumbled. They started running again. "What's your name?" the man asked. "Oh, I'm Sean, but you can call me Jack" he said. "Nice! I'm Mark!" He said with smile. Jack smiled also. And they ran through the park, talking to each other.

{Time skip to two weeks later
*in spongebob voice for it*
Two weeks later}

Jack and Mark both were running through the park once again. They were doing this everyday for the past two weeks. And both of the men loved it. "Hey, Mark?" Jack started to ask as they saw the end of the park. "Yea?" Mark answered. "Do you want to hang out at my house?" Jack asked. {And only to hang out, no smut yet you sinners - _-, but it's okay... I sin too^_^} "Sure!" Mark answered. "Although, I want to take a shower first" Mark chuckled. "Oh okay. I'll meet you at three then" Jack replied. "It's a date then!" Mark exclaimed. Jack blushed. He wished it was.

{Time Skip!!!}

Jack heard a knock on his door. He opened it to see Mark standing there with a smile. "Hey Jack!"Mark exclaimed. "Hey Mark!" Jack replied. "Sorry I didn't get you anything." Mark apologized. "Oh it's okay, you don't have to!" Jack said. "Do you wanna play some games?" Jack asked. "Sure!" Mark replied. They spent the day playing video games until Mark had to leave at 9. "Hey, same time tomorrow right?" Mark asked as he left. "Yep, same time, same place!" Jack replied with a smile. He waved goodbye to Mark when Jack closed the door. He got ready to go to bed, and before he got in, he heard his phone go off.

M: Goodnight!

Jack smiled.


Then he crawled into bed, with a content sigh and slept.

{Time skip to the next day at the park}

Jack and Mark were both running again, since it was a Monday, no runners were there so Jack and Mark were alone. "Mark?" Jack said as he slowed down. "Yea Jack?" Mark said as he also slowed down. "I need to tell you something." Jack said as he came to a full stop. "Anything." Mark replied as he too came to a full stop. They were both standing next to a big tree, it was obviously taller than the rest of the trees in the park, and it was beautiful. {Reader: Hey author don't you think that's a bit cliche? Author:... Nah} "Mark," Jack started. "I like you." "Oh, I like you too" Mark said. "No, I like like you." Jack explained. "Oh..." Mark said. "I know it's all of a sudden an-" Jack was cut off by a sudden kiss by Mark. Jack was shocked but kissed him back.{What's with all of Mark kissing Jack suddenly and Jack is shocked but kisses back?😂😂} They pull away. "I like like you too" Mark said with a smile. Jack smiled too. Instead of running, they walked the rest of the way, with Mark's arm around Jack, with Jack holding onto his arm.

Thank You so much for reading!

I will try to make another update soon, it probably might not be long though. And please leave suggestions and I will make it as soon as i can. But bye for now!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2016 ⏰

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