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Okay—now that it's over, I think I'm going to cry?

Like, my heart hurts. I can't believe I just typed 'The End'. It's like watching my children leave the nest.

I loved Roger and Vhalerie so much! GAGH!

And I really want to write more about them.

So I did.


(Keep reading for more info on that.)

For those who know me: WOW. I ACTUALLY WROTE A HAPPY ENDING.

I want to thank all those who stuck out 'till the end. I struggled to write this story during my final year in high school and to now have it be complete is closure for me.

I love you all very much and you're all family to me. :)

NOW—Vhalerie and Roger have a kid.

And their child and Vhalerie and Roger, are in my new story called Alice.

Alice is already up on Wattpad so if you want to see what happens, check it out! :) I'm entering that story in the Wattys2016 so I'm hoping for a lot of traffic.

Again, thanks so much!

Until next time,

From your favourite type of pi,

Xx 3.14 // Allandra Bones

14 // Allandra Bones

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