Welcome To The Night Class

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We are just about finished moving my items to the Girls Moon Dormatory, I stand in my room satisfied."Thanks Yuki and Zero, I really appreciate it a lot." I say to them and I bow. 

"Since you got high grades and all, people would think you moved to the night class because you were smart, so that's a good thing I guess." Yuki says to me and I nod. 

"If you need any help, just ask Kaname or anyone you trust at all." Zero says walking away preparing for class. 

"See you later Sumiko, please take care." Yuki says to me and I nod as she walks out. 

It's been a rough night for me, and some of my memories are starting to flow back to me when I was a vampire, I highly regret doing them. Maybe if I didn't have my memories I wouldn't be feeling this way, I'm just a feared creature by everyone. 

"Koki.. I'm guessing you were a pureblood vampire, and you turned me into this creature 10 years ago." I say to myself and walk to the main corridoor. 

"Welcome to the Night Class Sumiko, now before we head to bed I want to give you this." Kaname says as he hands me my Night Class uniform. 

"Thanks Kaname, I highly appreciate it." I say to him. 

"Don't worry about it, and you should call me Lord Kaname around Hanabusa and Ruka, they get angry about it alot." Kaname says to me. 

"Sure, I'll try." I say. 

I then head about to my room and fall into a deep sleep, now I feel noctournal for sure. 


I wake up around night time, I guess it's about time to head to my first class in the night class. I feel really nervous since I'm a level D vampire, and I'll eventually turn into a level E. I get up and change into my Night Class Uniform quickly, I grab my books and walk to the main corridoor and see everyone waiting. Everyone then looks surprised to see me in the Night Class except for Kaname because he knows the reason. 

"Wasn't she originally in the day class? Why is she here?" A student asks. 

"I Got turned into a vampire for the second time, I'm a level D to let you all know." I say to everyone. 

I hear more gossip, I guess I got the hoard up and running. 

"Let's get going now." Kaname says as we open the door to go to the gate of the Moon Dormatory. 

We all stand at the gate and wait for it to open, I'm slightly scared on what people will think about me going into the night class. 

The gate then opens, I hear the fangirls already screaming their heads off already. We all start to walk and some off the people in the crowd notice me already and start gossiping. 

"Sumiko, you're now in the night class, congratulations." Kotaro says like he's celebrating. 

No Kotaro, you don't understand why. It's not because of my grades or anything, I'm a vampire and soon to fall to level E, I don't want to be like that at all. But I guess it's my fate after all to fall into the lowest level a vampire can ever get into. 

"Sumiko! Good luck on your first class!" Yuki says to me. 

"Thanks Yuki, it gives me more courage." I say to her when I walk away with the Night Class.

There were so many humans back there, I'm glad I didn't get that bloodlust that I would have gotten, I guess I'm incredibly lucky. I look at all the members of the Night Class and continue walking, I guess I'm the odd one out here. 

We arrive at class, and I sit down in my old seat from when I was in the Day class. Everyone here is a high class vampire, Aristocats and their king a Pureblood vampire. The class starts and I do my work without trouble. 

Someone then sits down next to me, the figure looks the same to Koki. I-Is this the pureblood vampire who turned me into this creature? 

"Hello Sumiko, how's your time been like this." Koki says quietly. 

"Just leave me alone, I don't want to talk to you after what you have done." I respond quietly. 

"I know of a way to save you, it's quite simple." Koki says. 

"I know what it is, I have to drink your blood." I respond to Koki. 

I heard from Zero that you have to drink the blood of your master to not fall to a level E. But the punishment is that the pureblood you drink from now has full control over you.

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