chapter 1

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if you cant imagine about jae.. just imagine him like your idol💟 and im sorry if i have a lot of mistakes.. heh✌ so.. enjoy
jax pov
hosh.. hosh.. shiz.. damn he's strong-_- oh boy, why you have to be so strong! one kick on the back of his head will works, right? lets do this wohoo~ *boogh* finally~ he fell with a loud thud HA! serve you right! aw.. btw, im sorry~ i haven't introduce myself right? owkay.. my name is jax park.. but my real name is park jina~ just call me jax.. only the people who really really close to me that can call me jina! sowwey~ 
knock.. knock..
"whos there?" btw i am here right in my boxing ring in my house.. dont ask me! im rich.. correction, not only me but all of my families are rich(?) kay back to the reality "lady.. jax.." one of my maids called me while breathing hardly? maybe. "wae? (why?)" just want to know. please curiousity kills dude. "your.. parents.. are.. here" wow! my parents are here? what?! they're here?! wohoo~ i jumped out from the ring and ran out to be greeted by her a.k.a my maid(?) "where?" i want to meet my parents.. if this related to my parents than i couldnt chill~ sorry dude! "living room.. lady" then she bowed. whats wrong with people bowing to others? hell yeah idc. i ran to the living room and saw them watching tv. why didnt they greet me first? :( im sad. "mommy.. daddy..!!" they turned their heads and i ran to them to hug them! yeah i missed them so.. much! "hey darling! we miss you too ㅋㅋㅋ" but then they loses their hug and looked at each other before nodded their heads. i looked at them with confuses(?) the hell dude, now people can communicate with telepathy? i looked at them.. demanding an answer. "darling.. lets move from this country" then she smiles, my mom told me to move from this country, i really like this country dude.. america gives me chill~ but yeah, maybe moving on wont hurt. i nodded my head and they smiles at me. "when?" idk but i have a feeling that i will move from this country tonight(?) "tonight.." dang it! "where?" "to the neverlanddd~" my daddy sometimes crazy but hell.. lets go to the neverland! i walked upstairs and packed my things. i will miss my house but thats not a problem here. i dont even have a friend here so, what will happen when im gone? nothing hehe. i checked the time, and guess what? it still 13.00 and i've aldready done haha! maybe if im sleeping now, i will be able to kill the time. ah yeah, good afternoon then.

jae pov
hellow.. i heard my dad talking to someone on the phone.. hm, who can be? listening wont hurt, right? or not? wah idc. "you come tonight? arasseo" yeah.. im half american half korean(?) my mommy is full american and shes reallyyyyyy pretty like really and my father is full korean, my father is an actor so lets see his body and his face. dont need to ask me. just figure it out by yourself~ owkay.. lets continue what we're doing just now. "arasseo.. you have a daughter?! great! i have a son ha!" what is he talking about? why is he feeling so proud about having a son than a daughter? like.. wth, nothings different dude-_- "woah!! 17 years old?! my son is just 1 year older than your daughter!" aw.. lets not hear anymore. honestly, idc and why should i care anyway? HA!
knock.. "Jae! are you sleeping or nah?" oops.. i havent introduce myself to you guys yet, right? okay! my name is Jae. my name is just Jae, dont complain lel kay. bye. "yeah dad! im up, waeyo?" i shouted, maybe he cant hear me right? "my friend from america will come here tonight. please prepare yourself son" "owkay daddy!" then i picked up my phone from my nightstand, i checked the time and set the alarm on 16.30, dont ask me why! guys need prepare too, owkay? right here right now is still 13.40. i am craving for food~ food im coming for y'all! wohow~

enrico pov
yeah~ hello.. my name is enrico kim and i am full korean ㅋㅋㅋ. im bored and this time is still 12.30-_- aw
i looked at my phone and guess what? my long lost crush is massage-ing me! aw im so happy! hap hap happyy~ puhlease.. im just too happy to realise i dont reply to her yet hehe.. sorry sweetie~ she told me that she will be here in korea tonight and wanted me to pick her and her family up. hm, but she didnt tell me the time tho. when i will pick her up then? aw.. she will call me later on. lets see do i have a new clothes?:' deng. damn it! hm.. sweater with a knee length short will make it, dont you think? with snapback and sneakers aye! owkay i need to take a shower now!

someone pov
hi.. if you're curious who am i.. i wont tell you yet, because i will just give you spoiler and everybody dont want it, right? owkay.. i just give you a clue, i am a girl. there.. ehm btw im here in front of my mirror, im an orphanage so im here in the house doing nothing but just spacing out or sleeping and eating of course. no one hate food heh! the owner said that im half american half korean but who cares? im in korea right now and dont forget that i dont have a family. maybe they've already dead? idk. but dont you underestimate me. even though im an orphanage and a girl, i am tough! dont ever think if girls always weak. i have been joining this something-called-gang, so im practically a gangster dont you think? and im the strongest among all of us so yeah dont challenge me! im still spacing out right now but suddenly got interrupted by my friend's knocking my door like an urgent situation. "just come in!" i shouted so she can hear me, just maybe she cant hear me right? im just too lazy to repeat my sentence. my door opened and revealed a girl with a long black hair who is grinning at me like a crazy kid. "yah! wae?" she didnt even bulge and just grinning at me. i suddenly felt scared. to be honest, this is my first time ever to feel scare. idk what to do so i just slowly turn my head to the other direction and close my eyes. "hey.." finally~ she is speaking woh. "wae?" still didnt look at her, "there is an arcade. do you want to join me?" she asked me while jumping up and down, i can feel it because she jumped on my bed. i almost cursed. please help me God. "kay.." i replied as short as i can so she could stop from jumping up and down and it works! heh. "owkay! we go to the arcade at 5 okay? dont be so slow! ok bye!" then she ran out from my room and slammed the door. owkay, no turning back.. hiks(?) i will prepare now!

back to..
jax pov
hell.. i want to sleep more~ who are these people shouting in front of my room like crazy people?-_- damn it! i opened my eyes slowly and picked my phone up.. 17.30.. shiz! am i already late? or nah? i jumped out from my bed and ran as fast as i can to the bathroom to take a bath.. of course(?) 10 minutes later..
i already took a bath so here i am standing in front of my big wardrobe to search if i have anything that i can wear. my eyes locked at a piece of croptop and a highwaist short. maybe these can help? kay. i picked them up and quickly wear those things. hm.. my hair(?) i let my hair down and curl a little. i put a powder on my face and lipbalm on my lips. done~ im perfect as always! aw.. 18.00! dang it.. i hurrily run out from my room and to the living room to be greeted by my maids who rushing to every direction make me sick. "darling.." i turned my head around and smile to my mom. she looks at me and smile "ready.. princess?" i nodded my head and give her a warm smile. "owkay lets go! to the airport~" she said while singing in the end. i laughed and linked my arm with hers. we entered the car with my daddy's driver in the driver seat while my dad in the passanger seat. "go! go!" my daddy shouted happily and we all laughed because of his sillyness.
in the airport~
i looked at the time.. woah~ 19.30! i quickly send him a massage said that no need to pick me up and he said owkay with a sad emoji. why is he so sad? hm-_- i wonder.. where is patricia and the others(?) she told me that she was in korea too.. maybe she still in korea? please! i want to meet them~
"passangers to seoul, south korea please..." idc what it says because im right here in front of the plane already. i entered and take a seat in business class, of course. im rich. no, we're rich heh. owkay~ korea im coming for ya!
so.. how's my first chapter?😅 bad? im sorry then😳 i will try my best to write with the right english heh. kaykay~ please vote and comment!💕 ah.. and this story belongs to me.. i dreamt and i write with a little imagination heh but that's the truth😆 owkay babay!

- 지나💟

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