Chapter 2

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(Mark's P.O.V.)

As soon as I walk into the school building two of Jack's friends, Bob and Wade, are standing there waiting for me. They push me against the locker, holding me there. 

"You wait until I show up late like always so no one is in the halls, and then you beat me. Honestly, I didn't think you guys would think of that, and I'm really unhappy you did." I say, keeping a straight face. 

"Well, duh, that's why we're doing it." Wade says. I sigh. Bob face-palms. 

"Dammit Wade, just shut up." He says. Wade just shrugs in response. 

"What, are we waiting for Jack or are you two beating me up today?" I ask. I hear a laugh, a familiar laugh. 

"No, they don't deserve such luxury." Comes the oh so familiar Irish accent. Jack walks up to me, putting both of his hands on my shoulders. Bob and Wade walk away, leaving Jack and I alone for what is surely going to be the worst beating this year. And on the fourth day of school too. Come on man. 

"And you do?" I ask. Jack chuckles. 

"Of course." He says, shrugging slightly. And then comes the inevitable. Punch after punch. He drops me to the floor, kicking me. Bob, Wade and Ken join in at some point but I get so caught up in the pain I'm in that I can't tell when. After about five minutes of that the bell rings. Bob, Wade and Ken rush to class. Jack stays behind, staring at his work, aka bruised-beyond-belief me. "Do us a favor and get something nice tomorrow will ya fag? I'd love to steal it." He says before walking away.

I just lay there on the ground, groaning. I don't care that I'll be late for class, currently I feel like everything is just broken, or at least bruised. Like... I hurt. And I hurt a lot. I just lay there for god knows how long when I finally hear footsteps. 

"Dude, Mr. Carlile is having a fit that you aren't in class yet. What the hell?" I hear Felix's voice. I groan as I move to the side a bit, looking at Felix. He looks back at me with wide eyes. "Oh. Yeah, I'm taking you to the nurse." He says, kneeling down. I close my eyes. 

"They went all out today." I say simply. Felix chuckles. 

"I kind of see that. Come on, I'll help you up. Just lean on me." He says, taking one of my arms under his arm. I stand, indeed having to lean on Felix for balance. I'm sure nothing is actually broken but when your foot is bruised enough that it feels like it is, balance isn't particularly easy. The nurses office is thankfully near where I got beat up so it doesn't take to long for Felix and I to get there. Nurse Melanie looks up from her paperwork and her eyes go wide under her huge rimmed glasses. 

"Oh my lord!" She exclaims, standing up. She directs Felix to put me on one of the beds she has in there, and I don't hesitate to lay down, closing my eyes again. "What happened?" Nurse Melanie asks, presumably to Felix. He sighs. 

"Got beat up." He answers. Nurse Melanie sighs. 

"I've been taking care of you Mark for two years. Why won't you just tell me who is doing this?" She asks, starting her normal checkup routine. I chuckle. 

"Because if I do... It'll just be worse." I say. I know that if I dare tell any authorities that Jack is beating me up... He'd probably kill me. Like, literally kill me. Most of the students know he beats me but they're also either scared of him or don't give a crap. 

"Whatever you say Mark. I just don't want you getting hurt more then this or, dare I say it, killed because of these bullies." Nurse Melanie says. Felix chuckles. 

"He's pretty strong Nurse M. Has been dealing with this for two years." He says. I nod in agreement. Nurse Melanie sighs. 

"I don't care. These bullies might slip one day... And I don't know if I'm gonna be able to help you then." She says. Again my mind trails to Jack and his ability to pretty much be able to come up with a plan to kill anyone in an instant, and his ruthlessness that lets him carry this plan out. Or at least, I assume he could do that. He definitely seems like he could. "Alright Felix. Thank you for bringing him to me but you should head back to class. Explain to Mr. Carlile that Mark's here, okay?" Nurse Melanie says. Felix chuckles. 

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