Chapter 14

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(Mark's P.O.V.)

It's been a couple days since Jack and I talked in the astronomy classroom, and we haven't talked since. I've checked on Kik, he's never on anymore which makes sense. But he did fulfill his promise. Bob, Wade and Ken aren't bullying me anymore. Too much. They still shove me against the lockers everyday but it isn't as hard and most of the time Jack isn't with them. Sometimes he is, but that's probably as to not arouse suspicion. I guess. 

I don't get the whole deal with reputation and everything, but I know that's not what Jack is fighting for. He just doesn't want to get bullied again, and he's scared that if he shows weakness, he will get bullied. So he doesn't risk it. I sigh as I come up to the locker, the locker I always get shoved against. Sure enough as I pass it Jack comes and shoves me against the locker. I don't make a sound, I'm to used to it. However, instead of just a push and then walking away, he keeps his hands on my shoulders and leans closer to my ear, whispering. 

"Meet me in the back of the school after classes." He says and with that he pulls his hands away and walks away with Bob, Wade and Ken. I just stand there. Meet him after school at the back of the building? Sure.


I've been waiting back here for twenty three minutes. Soon I'm gonna have to go, I have work tonight. Ms. June found out about my failing grades and decided to pay only slightly less for work every other day and today is one of those every other days. 

"Sorry!" I turn at the sudden voice. Jack runs towards me, stopping a few feet away. "Wade was rambling about stupid stuff he wanted to do and we had to shut him up before I could go anywhere." He chuckles. I smile a bit. 

"Okay. Why did you wanna meet?" I ask. He leans against the wall of the building smiling. 

"I wanted to talk to you. We haven't talked in three days." He says. I shrug. 

"I keep checking Kik." I say. He bites his lip. 

"About that... Ma wasn't so happy about me talking on Kik so she canceled my account and won't let me make a new one." He says. I can't help but laugh a bit. "Okay, shut up." He says. I shake my head a bit. 

"I can't believe that's what happened. You are the all feared Jack! Do you really not have any power of what's going on in your own home?" I ask. He shakes his head. 

"Being the youngest in a family of seven has its disadvantages. For one, Ma is overprotective as all hell. Two, my siblings are overprotective as all hell. And three, all of them think they have the right to boss me around and they do a very good job enforcing that rule." He says. I chuckle. 

"You're the baby of your family?" I ask. He nods. 

"The night I decided I wanted to A, get a tattoo, and B, get my ears pierced, Ma went ballistic. We ended up having a very long and boring discussion about many, many things." He says, groaning at the thought of it. I just start laughing again. Wait a second! I had a question! 

"That's right. I had a question for you." I say. Jack tilts his head to the side a bit. Then I think. "Okay two questions." I correct. He silently urges me to go on. "One, what the hell is your tattoo of?" I ask, shrugging a bit. He chuckles. 

"Why does everyone keep commenting on it? Just yesterday Bob, Wade and Ken were asking about it, and then a week ago my parents were asking, and a month ago my siblings were asking. Is this a new thing?" He asks. I shrug. 

"Apparently. Do your parents and siblings not know either?" I ask. He shakes his head. 

"Never showed anyone." He says. I chuckle. 

"Why not?" I ask. He looks at me. 

"Cause I'm not going around taking my shirt off for people." He says as if it's obvious, but I have to stifle a laugh from this comment. 

"I knew that. I meant, why haven't you told anyone?" I ask. He hesitates but then shrugs. 

"I don't know. I just don't see the relevance. Anyways, next question?" He asks, obviously tired of the conversation about his tattoo. I sigh. Whatever. I'll learn someday. 

"Okay. Why do you always disappear during lunch?" I ask. I came up with the question when he disappeared at lunch again yesterday and Felix accused him of smoking again. Jack shrugs. 

"Why do you ask?" He asks. I smile a bit. 

"Because Felix keeps bugging me about it and accusing you of smoking. Personally, I think you're to smart to do something like that, but I am curious." I say. He chuckles. 

"Well, I'm not smoking, you're right I'm to smart to kill myself like that." He says. I nod, urging him to continue. "The reason I come back here is a little more... Embarrassing." He says, playing with his hands a bit. I narrow my eyes. 

"What is it?" I ask. He sighs and turns, bending down. He starts looking for something under the bench, and soon pulls out a small box of some kinds. He opens it and takes out another container, a container I recognize. Cause I have one of my own. He then turns back around... Wearing glasses. I scrunch up my nose, smiling. 

"Everyone expects me to be perfectly bad-ass and glasses don't really fit that category." He says, shrugging. I chuckle. 

"I don't care. You look adorable in them." I say, trying (and failing) to ignore the crush I have on him. He blushes a small bit. 

"What?" Is all he asks. I walk up to him and I look up a bit, seeing as he's taller then me by a couple inches, and I push up his glasses. 

"I said you look adorable in glasses." I say. He just stares at me, surprised with what I said. Honestly, I'm surprised with what I said too. I back away, shaking my head. "Anyways." I say, trying to push past that totally not romantic moment we just had. Jack seems to regain himself as well, though it doesn't help me when he continues to wear his glasses. 

"Yeah, anyways. I'm near sided, not much but enough that if I don't put on my glasses once per day I get a really bad headache." He explains. I nod. 

"No contacts?" I ask. He shakes his head. 

"I tried contacts once and it drove me insane." He laughs. I smile. 

"Fair." I shrug. I don't like contacts either, it just feels weird at first and I couldn't ever get past that point. So I wear my glasses. *BEEP BEEP* I quickly grab my phone to shut it up. Why is there an alarm anyways? "Oh crap!" I say, noticing the time. Jack looks at me with slight concern. 

"Everything okay there?" He asks. I shake my head. 

"I gotta go to work." I say, sighing. I'd really love to just hang out and talk to Jack more, get to know him more, but apparently I can't. 

"Oh. Where do you work, anyways?" He asks, coming over towards me. I sigh and smile. 

"I saw you a couple weeks ago." I say. His eyes widen. 

"June's Café? That's where you work?" He asks. I nod. 

"I was actually working when you were there but I was hiding in the break room." I chuckle. He nods. 

"Makes sense. Well then, enjoy work. I'll see you tomorrow." He says, taking his glasses off. I smile and wave, turning and running down the sidewalk. I hope to god I'm not late...

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