Chapter 2: Repair Boy

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Note: Ah I'm so awkward ; -; 

Leo and his friends where standing in the air port near the windows, they were staring out looking for the plane that may contain Hazel. Each plane that landed were like the others, well except for that one.

There were white planes upon white planes then there was a black one, it had a gold trim around the nose and sides, then the tail of the plane has three simple letters on it in script 'LDA,' if you looked close enough the L seemed to be done in gems while the DA was done a unique pattern of skulls.

The group of kids stared at that plane hoping that was the one Hazel was riding in, they stared out the window, while on of the gate lights turned off, and a girl with caramel chocolate skin exited out that gate and looked around for a moment. She would have been completely lost if she hadn't recognized the back of her boyfriends head.

Hazel moved over to them swiftly, and tapped Frank's shoulder lightly. "Are you guys looking for me?" Frank turned around and grinned lightly, and the others eyes lit up a bit. They probably didn't expect Hazel to be such a petite girl compared to Frank.

But the Chinese boy picked her up slightly, hugging her gently. After a few moment's he sat her down and introduced her to his friends. Her eyes landed on Leo, then she smiled. "So that's the boy I'm taking to Italy? Pitty I'd rather take Franky," She giggled lightly and patted the others chest before holding out her hand to Leo, "But it's nice to meet you, Leonardo Valdez."

Leo physically flinched at his full name but he smiled kindly at her, and pressed his lips into a flat line. "It's nice to meet you too."

They stood there quietly for a moment before Hazel clapped her hands together, "Well! We should go before Nicolas gets on our other plane and flies down here to get me!" She laughed a bit at the thought of her brother.

Frank looked at Jason who stared back, they both had an understanding. Hazel and Nico were rich, there eyes went to Leo who seemed to be bouncing on his feet.

Piper finally spoke, she had been quite a while."Hazel? On your plane, what does LDA stand for?"

Hazel blinked and glanced out the window "Levesque, di Angelo." She smiled softly at the other female, "It's mine and Nico's last names." Piper nodded lightly, satisfied with the answer the Italian,well she hoped Hazel was Italian, girl.

Soon they moved towards the gate from where Hazel had come from, at first she was just going to take Leo and leave, then the others wanted to see inside of the plane. When they got inside of the plane every went to look around for a few minutes before returning to Hazel telling her how amazing it was, she nodded in response.

Hazel glanced at the clock the waas placed in a wall in plane, it showed her the time in Italy, her eyes widened slightly they had to leave like now. She began to push everyone but Leo out of the plane and into the gate. She moved and brushed her lips against Frank's, whose face heated up a bit. Then she turned and disappeared in the plane once again.

After thirty minutes of sitting in the plane, it finally took off. As they flew back to Italy, Hazel glanced over at Leo, looking him over, making sure he was worthy of her brother. Finally Hazel spoke, "You know where we live Nicolas is called the Ghost King while I myself am called the Gem Queen." Leo quirked an eyebrow and chuckled slightly.

"Interesting, do you guys have a small kingdom in Italy too?"

"Sort of, our dad was a late king, he retired and now we rule over the area together, until one of us wedd.." She cleared her throat and glanced to the side for a moment.

Leo grinned slightly, "So Frank could be a king?"

"Only if we wedd."

Hazel and Leo laughed a bit, and then they became quiet and kept to themselves. Hazel read a magazine and eventually fell asleep while Leo began tinkering with some parts and wires he had brought with him. At a young age he and his mom would always be out in their garage building something, repairing something, whatever you could possibly think of.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2013 ⏰

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