Chapter 22

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"What happened, Tone?" I asked him gently, resting my hand reassuringly on his knee.
"Vic told me he was staying here all day studying so we couldn't hang out so I decided to pick up lunch for us and bring it here but when I got to Starbucks he was kissing that Kellin guy and they were on a date," he choked out, tears streaming down his cheeks, his beautiful eyes glassy with tears.
"Oh Tony that sucks I'm so sorry," I whispered, pulling him in for a hug. Watching him so sad made my heart break in my chest and I felt furious with Vic.
"You were right  about Vic, Mike, why can't I just go out with a nice guy for once?" He muttered, wiping his tears.
I felt a sudden surge of confidence.
"W-what about me?" I spoke, looking him deep in the eye.
"What?" He said confused.
"What about if you m-maybe went out" I stuttered, trying to keep my confidence.
"I'm sorry Mike that's not what I meant," he replied, brushing it off like it was nothing.
"Why isn't that what you meant? Why am I not good enough for you? Tony Perry I love you so much. I would do anything for you, I would treat you like a prince. I'm always nice to you, even when I try to make you happy and you end up hating me to the point where you let me get beat up for no reason. I'm so sick of this. It's exhausting," I yelled, hot tears of anger and hurt pricking in my eyes.
He said nothing.
So I stormed out.
I ran out into the rain which soaked me to my skin within a couple of minutes.
I stopped at the end of my road and dialled Jaime's number, sobbing as I listened to it ring. 
"Hello," he answered.
"Jaime, c-can you come get me please," I sobbed down the phone.
"Of course sweetheart I'm getting in the car now. Where are you?" He responded so kindly that it made me cry harder.
"I'm at the end of my road. Thank you Jaime you're so nice," I told him, shivering and sniffling in the rain.
"You're outside in this weather? Do you have a jacket? Don't cry sweetie I'm on my way," he spoke comfortingly.
"I f-forgot my jacket but I'm okay," I mumbled, my sobs slowly lessening at the sound of his voice.
"Okay, I'll be right there, hold on," he told me.
"Okay," I replied before hanging up.

A/N: I'm sorry if this is annoying for you guys but it's helpful for me to do lots of shorter 500 word updates in a day than a couple massive ones so yeah. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed. Once again, team Tony or team Jaime? And please leave a comment or a vote if you enjoyed.💘

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