Hiring Critics

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A Writer's Desk Critiques

A Writer's Desk Critiques is a branch of A Writer's Desk that is offering constructive critiques for stories based on their plot, characters, settings, pacing, flow, mood, descriptions, dialogues, spelling, grammar, punctuation and more. We aim to provide you with valuable criticism that may help you improve as a writer. We won't be discouraging and downright rude in our critiques, however, we will not be superficial either. We will tell you the negative points as well as the positive points of your story and will encourage you to continue writing while improving on the negative fronts as well.

How A Writer's Desk Critiques works?

To know how A Writer's Desk Critiques exactly works, you should check out our service. It is posted on our profile. I'll explain in brief here about how it works. 

The book — A Writer's Desk Critiques — lists all our critics. Each critic has two parts dedicated to them in the book. These parts are called pages. The first page is their 'About Critic' page where we tell our clients a bit about our critics, explain their critiquing preferences (genres, number of chapters, etc.), give their sample critiques, list their payments and any other details.

 The second page is the 'Request Critic' page where clients post their forms in the comments section. Critics maintain their own queues and it is their job to keep their clients and A Writer's Desk Admins informed of the same. Critics are monitored by admins regularly.

The hired critics receive a sash to put on their profile icons which says #AWD Critics.

Wish to be a A Writer's Desk Critic?

Well, we're currently hiring! Read below to find out more.

What you'll be doing as a A Writer's Desk Critic?

As A Writer's Desk Critic, you will be critiquing Wattpad writer's stories, providing them with helpful insights into their works. Your critique will need to comment on every aspect of their story, pointing out to them what works and what doesn't. 

As A Writer's Desk Critic, we request you to be sincere and respectful in your critiques. Flaws can be pointed out politely and constructively as well. You don't need to be rude or excessively harsh in your critiques. We are here to help and encourage the writers, not to make them stop writing altogether. 

Ready to apply?

Great! Before you apply, please spend a few minutes learning how A Writer's Desk Critiques functions and kindly read the rules we have mentioned for the critics. It's important for you to know all this before you apply. 

After you've read all the rules and learned how things work around here, please fill out the application form given in the link below.


(The link will also be posted in the comments section below for easy access.)

Good luck! We eagerly await your application!

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