Chapter 9

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Jack took his keys from his pocket and twisted them inside the lock. He unlocked the door and stepped inside, closing the door quietly behind him.
"Mark?" He called out but received no reply in return.
"Matt?" Again, no reply.

'They must have gone out.'

He flicked on to hall light and was slightly relieved to not find blood and puke all over the steps again. He quickly noticed the lack of furniture in the house as he walked through the hall and around the kitchen. He walked around to the kitchen where the only thinks there was cutlery and bin bags full of broken crockery and furniture.
'Did they fuckin' go to IKEA or somethin'?'
Before Jack could go to the living room, he heard whining from the glass door and noticed Chica standing at the door as the gap left open wasn't big enough for her to fit through. Jack opened the door and watched as Chica limped through to the kitchen and got herself a drink. He followed her and lifted her front paw to see a cut that was causing her to limp.
"Chica what have you been up ta ye daft dog?" He ruffled her fur and stood up and walked through to the living room which he found completely destroyed. The glass coffee table top had been shattered all over the floor, the sofa shredded and the TV damaged plus again half the furniture was missing. There was no sign of Mark or Matt anywhere. He wasn't too sure how to feel about the state of the house, it was a mix between:



'Did I really upset Mark that much that he destroyed the house?'

Jack walked around the room, then noticing the bandages sitting on the arm of the sofa. Jack didn't notice the blood on the shattered glass, therefore he wasn't massively worried. He decided to check upstairs to see if the damage was as bad up there as it was downstairs. He made his way up the steps into the narrow corridor, it seemed like everything had been untouched which came as a slight relief to him. He checked in the other rooms as he went, making sure everything was where he had left it, again to his relief it was. He then opened the bedroom door at the end of the corridor, his eyes widened at what he saw.

And what he saw is that the room was empty.

He began to walk into the room and stumbled over Mark's foot which was poking out from behind the door. He look at Mark who was sitting against the wall with his head on his knee and one of his legs sticking out in front of the door, Jack also noticing his usually bright red hair appeared darker than usual.
"Christ Mark you coulda moved yer leg."
Mark just stayed as he was, his hair a mess and face hidden. Jack frowned, assuming that he was ignoring him because he stormed out.

"Look about yesterday, I'm sorry I left like I did but ye did say some pretty mean shit. I dunno why you said it but there must be something wrong cause I know you, you wouldn't say something like that unless... Mark?"
Jack moved over to Mark and holds his unbandaged hand to put across that he was there for him, yet Mark didn't even look at him.

"Mark? Maaark?" But he just sat there, completely still in a deep trance. Jack cupped Mark's face in his hands and realised he was quietly mumbling something repeatedly and was taking very quick and shallow breathes. Jack wasn't exactly sure what to do at this point and grabbed Mark, trying to pull him onto the bed but he was a complete dead weight. Jack kneeled in front of him, scanning his face for any change.
"MARK! COME BACK TO ME FER FUCK SAKE!" Jack slapped Mark with as much force as he could muster but quickly regretted it, placing his hand gently on the bright red hand print on Mark's cheek, feeling bad for hitting his boyfriend. Yet despite nearly knocking him off the bed, he barely flinched.

Jack grabbed his shoulder in an attempt to move him but when he did Mark noticeably pulled back, clearly out of pain. Jack pulled his hand away quickly noticing something wrong with his shoulder.
'How can me grabbing his shoulder hurt more than that slap?' He gently pulled the neck of Mark's shirt down to show the bloodied bandage. Jack's heart sunk as he saw it, he looked behind him and noticed the blood stain he hadn't noticed before. Jack was running out of ideas of how to snap Mark out of it, his last resort based more on fairytale than anything. He held Mark's face in his hands and brought it towards his own and gently pressing their lips together, Jack losing himself in the kiss for a moment. He moved Mark's face slightly away from his own again to see Mark's deep brown eyes looking into his. He still looked a little lost but Jack could tell he had managed to snap Mark out of it.

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