Chapter 14

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Jack sat in the chair by Mark's bed reading over the results again, staring at them in disbelief. He put them down on his knee and leaned back and sinking his weight into the back rest. He sat staring up at the ceiling processing the information he had just been given. Then he smiled and laughed quietly.
"So he's gonna be alright then?"
Tom stood with a grin on his face, he could tell Jack was just as pleased with the news.
"Well of course there he may experience some concussion, but it's nothing we can't deal with once he wakes up."
Jack smiled gratefully at Tom. He was so happy that it was Tom who came to give him the news, he wouldn't have wanted it to be anybody else. He could share the happiness and relief of the news with his friend, or if it had gone the other way, he would rather have got the news from a friend than a stranger. Jack stood up and hugged Tom, the hug being happily returned. Then Jack something that made Tom panic.
"Dude what happened to your neck? It's really bruised."

Tom went wide eyed as he tried to come up with something plausible.
"I um... fell."
"You fell? Fell into what? A noose??"
Jack clearly wasn't convinced. He gave Tom a stern look, he was obviously hiding something from him.
"Tom, if someone hurt you then you know you can tell me right?"
Tom looked him in the eyes, trying to decide if he should lie or not. He didn't want to hurt Jack and Mark or the relationship they had, but then again if he said nothing it could lead to that anyway and possibly get one of them hurt or worse. He couldn't let that happen.

"Do you know how Mark hurt his hand?" Tom asked nervously. He was hoping Mark had already told him so he wouldn't have to betray his trust. Jack nodded slowly, curious as to where this conversation was headed.
"Yeah, he tried to move the bed and the bed post landed on his hand. Why?"
Tom's smile of relief faded, Mark lied about what happened and he really didn't want to go against it, but he didn't have a choice.

"He lied."

"Then what happened?"

"He has- the theory is that he has a serious case of multiple personality disorder, but the effects shouldn't be this extreme. It caused him to have a violent outburst and punch the banister post with an extraordinary amount of force. It's like... when he becomes the alternate version of himself-"

"Dark." Jack interjected. Tom looked at him slightly surprised.

"Dark?" Tom asked hesitantly. Jack let out a lengthy sigh.

"That's what he calls himself."

"Wait so you already know about it?"
Jack nodded, his eyes now fixated on bruises on Tom's neck.
"Did he do that to you?" Jack said slowly, he knew the answer already but he wanted the hear it for himself. Tom unconsciously rubbed his throat and nodded.
"He doesn't have any control over it, you can't blame him." Tom added quickly. Jack looked over at his boyfriend who lay defeated and motionless, gently intertwining Mark's fingers with his own.
"I don't."

Jack was startled and awoken by the sound of Mark coughing. Jack stared at Mark expectantly for a moment hoping for him to wake, but nothing. It had been nearly two weeks since he had first come to see Mark and he hadn't left the hospital since, using the facilities there to keep clean and Robin had come in a few times to visit and bring him fresh clothes. Jack slumped back into his chair again, by his reckoning he must have been waiting in the room for any signs of him waking for about five or six hours. Jack had to cross his legs, he badly needed to pee, but what if he left and Mark woke up? He would be alone. Jack jumped slightly as he heard the door open, revealing a tired looking Tom with arms full of snacks.
"I thought you could do with a refuel."
Jack grinned at him carrying the large pile of snacks.
"So you thought you would bring me one of everythin' from the vender?"
Tom dumped the variety of chocolate and crisp packets on the small table beside Jack.
"Well I didn't know what you wanted so I thought.... well actually I'm not sure what I was thinking. I really need to get some sleep."
Jack snickered and grabbed a packet of Monster Munch. He didn't want to laugh because he was genuinely afraid he'd wet himself cause he needed the toilet so bad.
"Thanks Tom."
Tom smiled in acknowledgement before giving him a slightly concerned look.
"Jack... have you actually left the room yet?" He asked, noticing Jack was shuffling around in his chair uncomfortably with his legs crossed. Jack bit his lip and stared at Tom.
"Oh my god Jack go to the fucking toilet! I'll wait with Mark, but can you please go before you piss yourself!"
Jack slowly stood up and cautiously uncrossed his legs, leaving the room at considerable speed.

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