Chaper 2- New Home

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while! I've been busying with school and stuff lol! Hope u like this chapter.


The two girls and there dad lead Spirit and Phantom to a trailer and loaded them up. It was about a 45min drive back to the house which neither of the ''horses'' liked. They kicked repeatedly at the trailer door and kept neighing the whole way.

When they finally got to there new home, the dad of Brittany and Hanna backed the trailer to a gate that lead to a huge pasture.

The girls and their dad got out then went around to the back of the trailer. Slowly they unlocked the door then moved quickly out of the way.

Phantom and Spirit wasted no time charging out of the trailer. They took off into the pasture with great speed.

They kicked, bucked and Phantom even reared a little, whinnying loudly.

Those whinnies were soon followed by others. They just kept running around the pasture for a little while longer until Spirit got hungry, which she always is LOL!!!

Spirit-'' Hey Phantom look over there, they got stallions and foals. I think I see some mares too.''

Phantom raises her head from grazing and looks to see a whole bunch of horses running, playing and grazing. She sees a little palomino foal probably 2 weeks ago, watching her curiously. Phantom sees her mother behind her a few feet away grazing on grass.

Phantom-'' I'll be right back."

Phantom then walks over to the fence, leaving Spirit behind, knowing she wouldn't come anyway. Sprit was not a foal kind of mare.

The foal watched as Phantom walked over to the fence. Phantom put her head over the fence and down so she could nibble at the foals mane. The young foal neighed with excitement and took off back to her mom who had stopped grazing.

Phantom snorted and looked around some more. The one thing that caught her eye was a huge brown Quarter Horse stallion. He looked to be around her size maybe a little bigger. He had 4 white socks and a white nose.

He was grazing with another Quarter Horse stallion that was a gray/brown color. He looked to be the same size as the other one as well. She turned her head and gave a quick neigh to Spirit who came trotting over to her.

Spirit-'' What's up?''

Phantom-''See those stallions over there?''

Spirit-''The Quarter Horses? Yeah ...what about them?''

Phantom-'' Wanna go do what we mares do best?"Play" with them."

Spirit-" You know it."


Hope you guys enjoyed it! I'm writing this story wth my friend Ella so we both hope u liked it! Comment and Like please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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