Chapter 18

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I'm back!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry for the wait!!!!!!!!



Leo paced around his room, wondering what that thing was on Annabeth's arm. It looked like it was burned onto her arm. It was shaped like an owl. The sight of it made him tingle with the same feeling he felt when he used fire.

Was it the Mark of Athena mentioned in the prophecy? Why was Annabeth keeping it a secret?

He considered telling someone about it. Jason? He was a close friend. Piper? Same. Hazel? No way? Frank? Uh-uh.

What about Percy? He was Annabeth's boyfriend. Unless he already knew?

No, he couldn't. Then he wouldn't be so focused on that part of the prophecy. But Leo knew that if he told anyone, Annabeth would kill him. Still, it was vital for everyone to know. It wpuld be important.

"But I know more about the giants than anyone else. How am I any different?" Leo thought. He sighed. Annabeth, being the brainy girl she is, probably knew that Leo had noticed the tattoo.

"Now what should I do?" Leo thought with a sigh.

"Leo! Time for breakfast!" Piper alled from outside his room. "Coming!" He replied.

Everyone was already eating. Leo grabbed a plate of pancakes, a glass of orange juice, and sat down besides Jason and Piper.

"What are we going to do now?" Leo asked. "It shouldn't be that hard to find a giant." Frank said. "Still, we need to think of places to look." Annabeth mused. "We just go towards the placce where weird stuff and monsters are." Percy said. Annabeth rolled her eyes. Percy stuck out his tongue mockingly.

"We should get ready to go out." Hazel said. "We can't find the giant by flying boat." "You're right." Annabeth nodded. "Let's go. We'll leave in thirty minutes."

Leo went up to his room. He didn't want to go out there and face on of the giants. He wished life could. But the life of a demigod is never easy.

He walked off the boat with the rest of the group. The mist was at work. No one noticed seven kids armed with weapons walking off of a large flying ship.

"Where to?" Frank asked. "We should find a motel or something." Annabeth said. They finally found one. But the woman at the reception desk only spoke Italian.

"Anyone speak Italian?" Leo asked. "I have an Italian to English dictionary." Annabeth pulled a book out of her backpack. "You're always prepared for this kind of stuff." Percy smiled. "Yes, yes I am." Annabeth flipped through the book for a while. "Ah, here we are." Annabeth finally said. She cleared her throat. "Um, ciao, signora. Noi do't  parla italiano."

"Ah, ciao, abbiamo qui alcuni dipendenti che parlano inglese. Andrò a prenderli." The woman smiled and left. (Ah, hello, we have some employees here who speak english. I will go get them.)

"Does anyone have any idea what she just said?" Leo asked. Everyone shook their head.

"How rude, leaving us like that." Piper fumed. "Maybe she just went to get something." Jason said.

The woman came back with two men. "Ciao. I am Pierre and this is Peter. Welcome." "Or she went to get them." Percy said.

Pierre had dark hair and dazzling blue eyes, while Peter was slightly older with more facial hair. They were both tall and smiling toothy grins. For some reason, Leo's vision of their faces were blurry.

"We will show you to your rooms. Let us take your bags." Peter smiled. "Thanks." They all handed their small luggage to the men.

They got two large rooms, girls in one and boys in the other.

"Hey, did you guys notice something strange about those two?" Jason asked. "You too?" Percy frowned. "What?" Frank asked. "I dunno. Something about them just doesn't feel...right." Jason said. "You guys are probably just worrying about nothing." Leo assured them. "Yeah, but, wouldn't most people ask why a bunch of teenagers with backpacks are at a motel alone? We look like runaways or something." Percy said. "I'm sure it's nothing." Frank said, but Leo could see the worry on his face. Leo felt the same way. Hopefully, it was nothing.

That night, Leo lie on bed. He was unable to sleep. He didn't want to fall asleep and end up having more nightmares.

He sat up. Did he jusst hear footsteps? He looked around. Jason, Percy, and Frank were all in bed. So who......?

Suddenly, a large hand clamped over his mouth. Leo struggled, but the grip was too strong. He kicked and fought, but his captor held on tight.

"Hello." Leo looked up. Smiling down at him were the faces of Pierre and Peter.


Annabeth knew there was something strange about those two men. Pierre and Peter weren't  Italian names. And just being around them made Annabeth feel uneasy. The feeling felt so familiar...

Her fears were confirmed when she was kidnapped at night and tossed into a cellar.

She got up and surveyed her surroundings. Their were weapons all over, swords, knives, axes, spears, javelins, shields. There was even a chariot. She suddenly realized what was going on.


Annabeth whirled around with her fist out. "Ow! Watch it, Wise Girl." "Leo?" Annabeth asked in surprise. "Oops, sorry." "That's ok." Leo rubbed his arm. "Well, now I know how Percy feels."

"I should've known they were Cyclopses." Annabeth grumbled. "Yeah, when they captured me, I saw their eyes- er, eye." "Wait a minute, how come only you and me are here?" Annabeth asked. "Where are the others?" "When they thought I was unconcious, I overheard them talking about disguising as us." "What? They can't do that!" Annabeth exclaimed.

"Must be Gaea." Leo sighed. "With her, monsters can learn some new tricks." "Um, yeah." Annabeth blinked. "Uh, well, you know, she's the powerful mother of earth and all." Leo said quickly.

"Uh-huh." Annabeth narrowed her eyes in suspicion. Leo gulped. "Anyway, we have to get out of here and warn the others." "Already tried that." Leo said, pointing up at the door. "The Cyclopes must've made some sort of special lock, cuz I couldn't even get it to budge." "Great." Annabeth groaned. "Looks like we'll be here awhile." She sat down on a crate. "I guess so." Leo sat down on an old, rusty chair beside her.

Annabeth was hesitant for a moment, but then she finally asked. "Hey, did you see, um..." "See...what?" Leo asked in confusion. Then he followed her gaze down to her right arm. "Oh, that. Um, yeah, sorry, I...."

"No, that's OK." Annabeth said. "I think I should tell you about it anyway." "Me?" Leo seemed stunned. "Why?" "Cuz, maybe in return, you'll tell me bout your secret." Annabeth prompted. "Oh, well, then, you don't have to tell me." Leo said. "Oh, c'mon!" Annabeth rolled her eyes. Leo sighed. "Fine. But we have to promise not to tell anyone about this. Kay?" "Totally." Annabeth agreed. "Okay, so, well, I guess I'll start."


Cliffhanger! I followed your suggestion! Anyway, I'm started a new fanfic of Detective Conan, a Japanese anime/manga. Even if you haven't heard of it, please read it!!!!!

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