freedom and new beginnings

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Yns pov

Me and larry waisted no time leaving. We got in laus back up car and began to drive to larrys mom house. Halfway there larry began laughing

Yn- nigga what's funny

I asked confused

Larry- because I told you that you were gunna meet my mom someday

He broke his gaze with the rode and looked over at me, smiled which made me smile and turned back to the rode

Yn- larry?

Larry- hmm?

Yn- i love you

Larry- I love you too baby

After a few minutes we arrived at larrys mothers house.

Larry- come on let's meet your mother in law

He smiled at me. We got out the car. Larry grabbed my hand and led me towards the door.

Yn- I'm kinda nervous

I said before he knocked

Larry- don't be she loves anything that makes me happy and you are that

After larry said that a small woman opened the door she was a few inches taller than me her hair was black and was starting grey at the roots she looked much like the twins besides the height

Larrys mom- LARRY

She exclaimed and pulled him into a hug. She's stronger than she looks

Larry- hey mom

Larrys mom- where have you been young man. You left that child here for a few weeks almost a month..

She stopped her tough loving rant once she seen me and immediately put on a smile

Larrys mom- larry who is this?

She said extending her hand I shook it

Larry- I was getting to that. Mom this is yn. my girlfriend she's been helping me with lilo

She then pulled me into a hug and whispered in my ear

Larrys mom- you look so much better than that Monique girl

I laughed a little

Yn- thank you

I whispered back as she let me go

Larrys mom- you can call me Sandra. So I'm guessing you guys are here for lilo

Larry- yeah

Larrys mom- well come in shes upstairs in her little nursery larry you know where it is

She moved aside and let us in while I followed larry to lilos nursery and pushed him aside to get to the crib

Larry- well damn yn

Larrys pov

Mom- watch that language in my house

Mom said leaning against the door way

Larry-yes ma'am

Yn giggled and picked up sleeping lilo. Lilo awakened and smiled

Lilo- MAMA

she said. I smiled

Yn- awwe i missed you too

Mom- there cute

My mom said from behind me

Larry- completely adorable

Mom- lilo calls her mama I'm guessing she's been around awhile

Larry- yeah.. monique left her on her door

Mom- I can tell she's changed you. Maybe her being at her door was a sign leading you together. Do you love her?

Larry- yes with all my heart never have I felt for someone like i have done her.

Mom- then keep her. Love her. Do right by her because I can tell you this now that girl loves you and your daughter. Never let her go

Larry- never..

While me and mom were talking yn was too caught up with lilo to hear what were saying

Larry- hey babies you ready to go

Yn and lilo looked over to me. Lilo smiled and reached at me
I returned her smile and picked her up

Larry- hey baby girl

She smiled at me. And played with my twists

Yn picked up the diaper bag she just packed

Yn- now we are ready

She said. I put lilo in a car seat. Then the phone lau gave yn went off it was a text

Yn- he said that tete and Monique just got home

Larry- then we should get going. Mom were gunna be in new York for awhile if Monique comes here act like your not home don't open the door for her. okay?

Mom- okay.

We left. On our way to the airport

Larry- yn?

Yn- yes

She looked over at me

Larry- you know I love you right

Yn- yes you tell me this everyday and I love you to

Larry- no yn.. I need you baby

I grabbed her hand breaking my gaze at the rode and starring at her then back at the rode

Larry- you changed me. I dont know who I am anymore. I wouldn't want to live in a world that your not in. I mean I know we fight and argue ... we've come along way baby. And we are not even halfway there yet. I know how much pain I've caused you like your life would be perfect if it wasn't I mean when lilo was born I could have fought harder to find her and get custody over her and she would have never been on your door and you wouldn't have-gco

Yn- LARRY.. lilo being at my door wasn't a mistake I love her and I love you. my life was not great before you were in it. My family and including my own mother treated me terribly. I was always different from them..

She looked down my trip tightened on her hand when I saw a fear tears slide down her cheek

Larry- yn..

She looked up at me

Yn- larry we've been through a lot but I love you before you came around my life was terrible I only was faking my way through it. But then lilo came along including you and lau. And then everything changed..for the better.

I parked at the airport. And turned towards yn. And gave her a long passionate kiss

Larry- I'm sorry it took me so long to find a girl like you

Yn- it was Worth the wait

She smiled

Larry-are you ready to go

Yn- only if you are .

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