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Yn's pov

The rest of the day went by slow. Lau went to get food and I stayed on the couch flipping though the channels, all they had on was romantic comedy. Looking at the tv screen unamused I had no idea what danger I was in. Neither did I know the danger was looking at me through the convenient blind spot from the kitchen. I was watching the show but not really paying attention, I wasn't even listening just watching the people move on the screen. Something fell in the kitchen making my head snap in the direction and there he was leaned up against the door frame, his arm was crossed and his face held a kind smile but that didn't make his presence less intimidating.

Jay- hey baby

Laurent's pov

It took the niggas at taco bell five years to get my stuff ready, and while I was there my i saw a caramel skin girl with black hair out the corner of my eye strut in. Of course it was Val she of course saw me, she smiled and made her way over

Val-hey baby

She eased her way over and wrapped her arms around me. I snatched my arm away from her. The thought of her even being near me angered me.

Val- Lau what's wrong?

She looked up at me and pouted.

Lau- I thought...i thought you were the you had me fooled.

I chuckled

Lau- to think I actually thought about marrying you. You pathetic bitch...

My face went stone cold as her expression changed to and fro from confused, angered, sad to flat out stupid.

Lau- serves me right for trusting such an untrustworthy person. Serves me right for not figuring it out sooner...

The man came with my food. I grabbed it and looked down at her.

Lau-you had my heart yet. I gave it to you cause I thought I could trust you with it but you did what so many others broke it and not only that you hurt my yn and that isn't forgivable.

Then I walked out.

*meanwhile with yn*

Yn's pov

I jumped out of my seat, I made eye contact with the monster I once called my love.

Jay- you not gonna speak baby?

Yn-how did you get on here jay?

I tried to make it sound like I wasn't scared but I failed. On the inside I was terrified.

Jay- I asked first but I'll answer your question first. Since I'm a gentlemen.

He began walking up to me and I backed away.

Jay- I had a little help some friends getting your information. You might know them...monique..tete..and the twins father..marcus

He kept walking forward until he backed me into a dumb ass.

Jay- I miss you baby. Just come back to me and it don't gotta be this way.

He cupped my face in his hands. I looked in his eyes.

Yn- your sick jay..You need help

Jay- I know that's why I need you to help me get better.

I shook my head as tears brimmed in my eyes.

Yn- no you need a therapist..

His face grew angry. He drawed back his hand. I flinched. I heard a loud thud I was almost to scared to open my eyes. He left a hole in the wall only a hair away from my head.

Jay- you stupid little bitch!

He wrapped his hand around my throat cutting off my air supply. He lifted me up by my throat and starred me in the eyes.

Jay-this isn't the end gunna have you one way or the other

The last image I had before I blacked out was him smiling.

                  Lau's pov

The whole drive home my phone blew up with texts from Val. I ended up turning my phone off. When I made it home I noticed my front door open. I hopped out of the car and ran inside.

Lau- yn!

She was on the floor passed out. I  rushed to her side and shook her s bit and trying  to wake her. She eventually came to.

Yn- Laurent...

Lau- yn! How did this happen

She looked around a bit and shook her head.

Yn- I just got a bit dizzy

Lau- and fucking passed out yn! Don't lie to me tell me.. there is a damn hand print on your neck who did this to you. Was it Larry?! wasn't Larry it was my see..

Then she told me everything, her abusive relationship with Jay,how he was the reason she was in a coma, how he just choked her. She told me everything.. even the depression and anxiety he gave her. By the time she was done she had tears falling out of her eyes.

Lau- I'm gunna get him, monique, tete and my father. I'll kill them all if I have to.

I wiped the tears from her face.

Lau- I'm sorry I wasn't here to help

Yn- its ok..

I stood up with her in my arms

Lau- I got your favorite.

Yn-taco bell?

Lau- yes ma'am.


We ate,we watched movies, and she fell asleep in my arms. I picked her up and layed her on my bed. I made sure she was sleep before I stepped out and made a call

Larry- Is she ok?

Lau-she's ok for now but I need mark and/or Randy to watch her by tomorrow morning

Larry- can i come see her?

Lau- I don't think thats best


Lau- do you know anyone by the name of jay?

To be continued


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