~•Your POV•~
After the last bell wrung, I put everything in my locker I didn't need.
Basically everything except the dumb science project. But hey, at least it's not an essay. I found Zane outside by the bleachers reading a book."Hey Zane!"
"Hey, Y/n." He may have smiled.
"Do you have to do that lame science project Mr. Quinn assigned?"
"Ugh. Yes. ALL the science teachers are doing it." He sighed. I sighed. Yay.
"Who's your partner?" I cringed.
"Sasha... Yay. Best partner ever."
"I'm with Lillian." He sighed.
"Let's be 'Horrible Partner Buddies'!"
He let out a small chuckle. "Okay."We walked away from the school in a comfortable silence. Since we live on different streets, we split up and went out separate paths.
"Hey! Bitch-Of-A-Partner! Wait up!"
Damn it. "What Sasha?" I say in an annoyed voice. "Oh, just wanted to remind you," he paused & smirked at me. "You will credit me. If ya don't... Heh... You know what'll happen." My eyes widened. "You wouldn't dare."
"Oh yes I would. Tah-Tah!" She walked away back over to her 'friends'. I walked inside my house to get bombarded from our dog.(I personally like cats but
just go w/ it)"Hey, Jasper." I smiled. He got off and let me up. I rubbed his head. "Here, boy." I gave him a treat and went up to my room. I threw my stuff on my bed and went to my brother's room. "Hey Kade." He waved and I walked back to my room. His real name is Kaiden but he likes to go by Kade. I guess he's in the 'Has-To-Be-A-Cool-Name' phase. Sigh. Boys, my Irene. But at least I have someone with me...
I did my homework and started a little on the project. I decided to go the easy way out & make a model of the solar system. I got about 3 planets made until Kade started yelling.
I walked over to his room. "What?"
"I want Subway." "Damn it, Kade. Come on." He sit there, not moving anything but his thumbs. "Get off CoD and come with me." No response. I dragged the video game obsessed 12 year old down the stairs & in the car."Can I sit in the front?"
"If I get fined your paying it."
"Your college fund."
"Wait what?"I smiled to my self and started driving down the street.
~•Zane's POV•~
I walked inside my house. I ditched my stuff at the door and jumped onto the couch. "Hey Zuu~Zuu! How was your day mask-less?" "It was... Good?" My mom held up her hand... She had my mask the whole time. "MOM!" "Hehe! Here Zane." She threw the mask back to me. I put it on & popped up Netflix. I was right about to play the new episode of My Little Horsies but my luck, Garroth & Vylad come home! UGH.
"Hey Baby Brother!"
"Hey big bro."
"Hello." I said calmly.
"Oh... Now that all of you boys are home, I need to tell you something."
Mom said softly. "What is it mom?" We asked in unison. "Well... Your father divorced me. You all need part time jobs or else the house is gone." I gasped. Garroth and Vylad stared blankly at her. We all nodded."I can't take this anymore. I'll be back soon." I walked outside and slammed the door.
I was at the end of the street, about to cross to go to Starbucks. But I see Y/n driving. She has a car? Well I didn't know that. She pulled over to me since the street wasn't busy.
"Hey Zane!" She said after rolling down the window. I waved. "Where ya going?" "To Sub-" She got cut off by this boy next to her. "Sis, who's this?"
"Zane, meet Kade. Kade, Zane. Anywho, we were heading to Subway. Wanna join?" I smiled. "Sure."
"Kade get in the back." She said. "What?! No!" "Now, Kade. Otherwise those video games are mine."That kid was in the back seat. I didn't even see him move and I was staring right at him. I hopped in Y/N's SUV.
She dropped me off at my driveway.
"Thanks. Oh, and... Wait here!" I ran inside and grabbed my credit card.
"Drive home." I said after climbing back in the car. "What?" "You want me to buy you Undertale or not?" She chuckled and drove back to her place.Kade was up in his room on an Xbox Chat in no time. We walked into Y/N's room and I sat down at her computer.
I opened up Steam, typed in my credit card number and all that other information that doesn't matter to buying the game, and it downloaded.She walked over from her bed and gave me a hug. This is new to me. I don't normally like hugs but... This feels... Nice. I hugged her back. We just sat there hugging with yelling from Kade in the background.
Hope I enjoyed. Bye~Bye~

Bully「Zane X Reader」
FanfictionY/n L/n was a Junior at Phoenix Drop High. She had no friends and got bullied almost every day by the popular girls. This all changed when she found this black-haired Senior. --- Yo, this is a dedication to all of y'all being bullied by anyone. You'...