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Equal opportunity programs in education not only ensure that women and girls have equal access to quality education but also encourage females to enter traditionally male-dominated fields where it is well-documented that salaries are often higher.
Equal opportunity programs have opened up job opportunities for qualified women to achieve higher wages, advance in the workplace, and seek nontraditional careers that make them better able to meet the financial needs of their families.
There are various barriers to girls' education throughout the world, ranging from supply-side constraints to negative social norms. Some include school fees; strong cultural norms favoring boys' education when a family has limited resources; inadequate sanitation facilities in schools such as lack of private and separate latrines; and negative classroom environments, where girls may face violence, exploitation or corporal punishment. Additionally, schools often lack sufficient numbers of female teachers.
Investing in girls' and women's education yields individual, societal and development gains: when girls and women are educated, they become empowered and less vulnerable to violence, exploitation and poverty. Their families and communities benefit too-- their children have more opportunities to grow up healthier, better nourished and educated.
So,there must equal opportunities of education to women as like men.
Job opportunities and challenge faced by women :
Discrimination at work is still a fact of life for too many women. Women earn just 79 percent of men's wages on average. Women still face discrimination in pay and promotions and barriers to advancement because of family responsibilities.These problems are compounded for women in low-paying jobs because they fear losing their jobs if they speak up about unfair or illegal treatment. Women Employed's work to expand legal protections and strengthen existing laws and make sure the laws are effectively enforced is more important than ever.
On average, women lose more than $11,000 a year due to the gender wage gap. Women's wages are important to families-more women than ever are primary earners for their households-and those missing wages could pay the mortgage, buy groceries, fill the gas tank, and even put kids through school. So , Paycheck Fairness Act was developed to reduce the discrimination pay on the basis of gender .This Act must be strictly implemented in our society day to day life and people must unite to make this implement strictly .
The Paycheck Fairness Act would improve the Equal Pay Act by:
Prohibiting retaliation against workers who inquire about employers' wage practices or disclose their own wages;Strengthening penalties for equal pay violations;Empowering women to negotiate for equal pay;Strengthening education and enforcement efforts;Creating stronger incentives for employers to follow the law.
So, women deserves equal opportunities and pay check of jobs as like man in our society day to day life . :)
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