Chapter 40- Three Girls and A Pack of Marbles

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Some things just never change.

And school was definitely one of them.

I stared down at my desk with the while tapping the tip of my pen against the surface, creating a rhythmic beat.

I didn't listen to what Ms. Kip was ranting about. She was way too passionate about what she did and sometimes it was a good thing if we were on a topic about something I enjoyed. But I wasn't in the mood in my current state and her voice repeating over and over in my head was the last thing I needed.

I continued to tap by pen against the table and soon I became to create my own little beat. It wasn't anything special but it did muse me.

"And I'm sure Ms. Diamond would like to add something considering how focused she is."

I rolled my eyes as a series of laughter followed through. I never understood why some teachers tried to act cool. She knew I wasn't paying attention and yes, she wanted to get my attention but alerting the whole class wasn't exactly going to solve anything.


I stopped my beat and glanced up, staring at her with a bored expression. I didn't say anything which made her press the matter further.

"I'm waiting Aj."

I let out a puff of breath, shutting my eyes. "I wasn't listening Ms."

"And why was that?" She questioned.

I merely shrugged and glanced out the window. "I just didn't. You can give me a note if you want, it'll end this quicker."

Victoria and Grace also happened to be in my English class so they had a show to enjoy. At least I hoped it was amusing them.

Ms. Kip raised an eyebrow while tapping her long fingernails against her desk. "Well. Care to explain the sudden lash?"

By this time, the whole class was silent and all eyes were on me.

I sighed and continued speaking. "No lash. I'm just being honest. I mean, that's how it works right?"

Ms.Kip let out a small hum and thought for a while. "I think you need to cool down outside."

I raised an eyebrow. "And why's that?"

"Well one, you're not interested in the lesson and two, the vibes your giving off are cold," she informed.

"But I almost never pay attention to the lesson," I retorted, making Ms.Kip narrow her eyes.


I stood up slowly from my seat and didn't bother collecting my belongings and just walked out. I glanced over at Victoria and Grace before I left. Grace looked quite fearful while Victoria had a blank stare.

I let out another deep sigh and shut the door behind me and waited for class to end.

I watched as some students glanced at me and whispered over to themselves. I sent them glares which made them scurry along.

I stood out until class was over and I spent time playing different songs over and over in my head.

Ms.Kip had called me back inside when most students had left the class. Only Victoria and Grace stayed back.

She didn't make any comments but placed the homework on my table. Staring down, I scratched the back of my head and put it inside my bag.

I could Victoria's and Grace's eyes on me but I chose to pay attention to my stuff and slung my bag over my back.

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