Chapter Three: Wes

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After that day, going to the library became a regular thing. In the mornings of school days I would get up around the same time as everyone in my family and get ready. As soon as I was sure they were all gone, I would head downstairs and eat breakfast – of which normally consisted of cereal and coffee. Once I cleaned up the remnants of my pitiful breakfast routine, I would grab my things and head out the door and back down to the library.

Unfortunately, when I checked out books from the library I would have to hide them in my dresser drawers so that my parents wouldn't find them, not that they would come into my room anyways. I was pretty much left to fend for myself, and they always left the house with not even so much as a, “Goodbye!” or, “I love you!” or even a, “Have a great day!” But even so, I hid the books in my drawers just as a precaution. On Fridays I had to make sure that I had enough books to last the weekend since usually at least one member of my family would remain at home, making it impossible for me to leave the house without them noticing me leaving or feeling my absence. Not that they came to check and see if I was alive or not either way.

With all my library visits, I quickly became friends with the young girl at the library desk. She was a college student, but she volunteered at the library on Mondays and Fridays which gave me someone to talk to on those days. It made me so happy to not feel quite so lonely anymore, even though it was only for two days a week. By now a week had gone by since I had started coming to the library, and it was a Monday. I walked into the library happily and went to sit with Molly behind the desk. I hadn't been able to get here as early as I liked because my mom didn't go in to work until ten, so getting here at eleven gave me less time to enjoy the freedom, but it was definitely better than being locked up at home.

“What's up, Mol?” I asked nonchalantly. Having filled Molly in on my predicament with lack of social ability, she slowly began helping me fit in and talk to people.

“Not much Des. Just got here a little bit ago and I'm already bored to death.” She slumped onto the desk with a dramatic sigh.

“I totally understand that feeling,” I laughed. “But I think I've got it worse than you do.” She laughed half-heartedly and nodded solemnly in understanding.

“So your parents haven't found out that you've been coming here every day?” She asked as we sat. A jingle notified us that someone had walked into the library, but neither of us payed to much attention to it.

“Yeah, they don't ever check up on what I'm doing unless my grades in online school start failing. It's like they don't care that I exist until I screw up.” I grimaced as I spoke and Molly didn't have much to say to that, she only looked at me sympathetically. As an older woman came up to ask Molly a question I said, “I'm going to go find a couple books to check out. I'll be right back.” I wandered into the Teen Zone, still listening to Molly as she conversed with the old woman. I poked through the books curiously, hardly noticing the person who stood next to me until it was too late. I bumped into him pretty hard and stepped back quickly and awkwardly.

“Oh my God, I'm sorry!” I said quickly, staring up at him. It was a boy who appeared to be relatively close to my own age. “I should pay more attention to what I'm doing.” I ducked my head and began to walk away in a fluster, but he spoke.

“Not a big deal.” he said. Not a big deal. Maybe to him, but for me it was embarrassing. I didn't turn around until he appeared in front of me. How did he – “I'm sorry, but you look absolutely mortified.” He laughed. “I mean it, it's not a big deal.” It was only then that I really looked at him. He had dark, sandy blonde hair and blue eyes. But not just any blue eyes, they were the most amazing blue I had ever seen. (Not that that says much considering I haven't met like, anyone.) He was a few inches taller than me, but he looked just so... “Hey, are you alive in there?” He waved a hand in front of my face in good humor. “I'm Wes. What's your name?”

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