Chapter 2

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Jessica's POV

Mom: Jessica, honey, I need to talk to you

My mom came into my room bright and early. This is nothing out of the ordinary. It just means she is going to be going to a different country or state. This room is nice but it just isn't the same as my room back in Stratford. I really miss it there. I sit up in bed wearing this:
I sat up looking over at my mom who was sitting at my desk.

Me: So, where are you going this time?

Mom: I'm going to India for 3 weeks.

Me: But mom, Christmas is in 2 weeks. You won't be with us?

Mom: Unfortunately not this year honey. 

Me: What are we going to tell Allison? How is she going to feel spending Christmas without either of her parents?

Mom: That's why I am flying you guys up to Canada for Christmas. You will stay with Antie Stella. I've already gotten all the presents sent up there. I promise. I will be back before you know it. You guys will be missing this last week before Christmas from school. I'm going to tell Allison since she is already up. You should get up too. It isn't as early as you think. It's 11 AM. You need to start packing. You guys leave tomorrow. Even if you can't see it now, you will have a good time while you are there. I promise.

Mom got up, leaned over and gave me a kiss, then left the room. I waited until she was out of ear shot to mutter to myself.

Me: I hate that word, promise. Promises are so easily broken. No one understands that a promise is just a vow by word. An actual promise is to make sure of it. How is my mom going to do that? I don't want to go to Canada. Sure I love it there in the summer but I hate the snow. This year it isn't going to be a happy Christmas. This Christmas is going to be Hell.

I was muttering to myself as I got my suitcase down from the top shelf in my closet. In my suitcase i probably packed more than I actually need but I don't really care. I proabably will look like a freak wearing shorts up there in the snow but that's just who I am. I don't really get cold. I'm not quite sure why. I was about halfway done packing when mom called up the stairs that it was lunch time. I heard feet running towards the stairs and then down them. I slowly walked down the stairs. Not wanting the see my little sister.
As i got down there i saw that what i thought was true. Her Pajamas were Justin Bieber pajamas (,r:18,s:0)

Me: Do you really have to wear those? It's creepy. I bet he just wants to be a normal kid.

Alli: If he wanted to be a normal kid he wouldn't have flown to Atlanta to become famous. I really wish that you would just give in to Bieber Fever and realize that you really do love him

Me: I don't love him at all. I actually can't stand him. I would rather kill myself then go to his concert.

Mom: Well, then you better start planning your suiside because I got Alli two tickets and backstage passes to the benifit concert in Stratford tomorrow and Stella can't take her so you are going to have to.

Me: You have got to be kidding me. I don't want to see some Jesse McCartney wannabee in concert.

Mom: Just do it for your little sister. Since she got an early Christmas present you do too. Here you go.

She hands me a perfectly wrapped box. I tear through the paper and open the box to find a neon orange laptop.

Me:Seriously! I thought you said that laptops were so expensive so I just had to stick with my desktop?

Mom: Well i figured since you will be in Stratford this Christmas you are going to want to talk to your friends and i don't want my phone bill to cost me thousands of dollars. You get that on one condition. Take your sister to the concert. Please. You don't have to like him. Just be a good sister and do it.

Me: Fine mom. I will. Thanks for lunch. It was really good. I need to go upstairs and finish packing.

I got up to leave the table until my mom stopped me

Mom: Wait. Here, don't forget these. Please keep them safe.

I continued walking upstairs with the envelope she handed me. I opened it up and saw the stuff for Justin Bieber inside. I'm not looking forward to this. Not at all. But I guess it got me the laptop so it should be worth it in the end. I got back to my room and finished packing. Everything I needed clothes and electronic wise was in my suitcase. The book I'm bringing along with my Ipod and the Justin Bieber things went into my purse. I got out my new laptop and started setting it up to how I wanted. 

------------------------------------------------------Next Morning-------------------------------------

Alli: JESSICA! Can you help me with something?

Me: What?

Alli: I need help closing my suitcase.

Me: Coming

I finished zipping up my suitcase and rolled just outside my room wearing:
I set my purse on it and walked next door to my sisters room. I had her sit on the suitcase so i could zip it.

Mom: Girls! Are you coming?

Me & Alli: YEAH MOM! We are coming.

We pick up our stuff and walk out to the car to put our stuff in the trunk. I got in the front seat and Alli in the back. It was about a 2 hour drive to the airport. As soon as the car started moving I fell asleep.

I got woken up when we made it through the airport. Mom had to leave us becasue her flight wasn't until tomorrow. I got Alli and myself through security and boarding the plane. When the plane took off Alli layed her head on my shoulder and fell asleep. I stuck my headphones in thinking about the 3 weeks to come. In just 2 short hours I will be starting my Christmas vacation. I wondering if my friends will still rememeber me......

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