Chapter Seventeen

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Perfect. Just perfect.

I had a tracker imbedded into my arm. I tried clawing it out, I tried cutting it out, I tried everything. There was so much blood. I just couldn't get it out. And the beeps keep getting shorter. And shorter. It means Chrysaor's getting closer.

I had to leave.

After dinner I tried to go to my room quickly. I couldn't say goodbye. But Leo, sensing something was wrong, stopped me in the hallway.

"Ariana?" He asked.

"Yes?" I spun around to face him.

"What's the matter?"

"Nothing's the matter, Leo. Why would you think that?"

"Your acting weird." And he made a funny face.

I laughed. And then sighed. Maybe I could say half a goodbye. "Leo?"


"No matter what happens, with the prophecy or anything, I will always love you. I will always come back to you. I promise." I'm pretty sure I was okay making promises, because I wasn't part of the seven demigods.

"Okay..." And I pulled him into a kiss.

It was amazing. Definitely warring our first. And it would be their last. And Leo didn't know it.

"I love you, Leo."

"I love me too." We both laughed. "But seriously, I love you too, Ariana."

I gave him a quick hug, and went into my room. I could sense Leo's eyes on my back.

When I got into my room, I locked my door, sat there, and let the tears fall down my face. This was it, I was going to leave.

Wow. My life just kept getting more and more messed up. My crush shipped me off to a Titan, my family doesn't know who I am, I got rescued by the people who would become my best friends, Leo thought I had been scared of him, he became my boyfriend, we all got captured, and now I was leaving.

I grabbed a pen and paper and started to write. It was my goodbye letter. As I wrote it, I heard the beeps getting shorter and shorter until it was around midnight.

My letter said:

"Dear all of you,

Don't think I'm abandoning you, or going to help Gaea. I think you all know that I would never do that, but I know how suspicious you guys have to be. Chrysaor put a tracker inside of my arm, and it wouldn't come out no matter what I tried. It would be impossible to get out, unless I went to Chrysaor. He's coming for me, and I'm not going to lead him to this ship again. Tonight I'm leaving. Don't try to come after me. I know you will try, but you have to finish the quest.

Percy, you are the best uncle anyone could ever have, even though that sounds really weird. You always knew how to cheer me and everyone else up, and you were the best leader anyone could have. You'd better take good care of Annabeth, or I will come back and kick you into next year.

Jason, I know you had to be leader like sometimes, and that's okay. You're just looking out for everyone. And your straightness balanced out everything. You kept everyone in line and made sure we didn't make the right decision. You'd better keep care of Piper, or I will kick you right a long with Percy.

Hazel, I didn't get the chance to know you as well, but I do know that you were amazing. Your one of the strongest people I know. I don't know how you do it. You wield that spatha like it's your arm. And your truly amazing. Take good care of Frank. I won't kick you, but you know what I mean.

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