Boy x Girl

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An Undeniable Love💘

There once was a child named Luke, who was riding his bike down the street of his neighborhood, he loved to do tricks and show off to the other kids.  Luke always rode his bike everyday to school and back, and on weekends he would do tricks like doing handstands on the handle bars, but on one particular Saturday afternoon everything that could go wrong, went wrong. As he rode his bike, it flipped over and his head hit the concrete road so hard, that upon impact he immediately began to bleed out.  Soon, his friend Natalia found him laying there and saw a puddle of blood surrounding his head so she called 911 to get an ambulance; then called his mother to fill her in on what is happening. Natalia was crying and terrified of what might happen to Luke, when his mother finally showed up she comforted Natalia while crying silent tears of her own. 5 hours later, they both woke up from the doctor tapping the mother's shoulder causing her to straighten up and wake Natalia. The doctor informed them that Luke had fell into a coma due to the severity of his injuries considering the skull fracture, internal bleeding, broken left arm, another fracture in the left  leg, and his body could not handle the pressure therefore going into a coma to ease the pain throughout his body. Natalia stayed in his room for the first few months but sadly summer time came to an end and she had to go back to school. From that day forward, she visited him every chance she could and told him the events that occurred at school, not because she thought he could hear her but because it gave her comfort. As days went on, seasons changed, and years passed, 3 years to be exact and Luke has yet to wake up. Natalia had lost hope 1 year ago and just carried on with her life thinking that it was better to forget him. May 23, the day he fell into a coma 3 years ago, she decided to give him one last visit because in her heart, she knew she still loved and missed him. When she arrived he was still in a coma, or so she thought. 1 hour later as she was still holding his hand;praying that he would wake up soon, in the middle of her prayer she heard a groan that sounded as if it was right next to her. When she lifted her head from praying, she saw Luke staring directly at her with his big grey, stormy eyes. He smiled as he stared at her. Natalia then hugged Luke like her life depended on it, crying tears of joy. He fell into a coma at 14 and they are both now 17, she didn't care how long she had to wait for him to awaken She just hoped he would. Luke began to speak "Natalia, I have something to tell you. I have a tumor in my brain and I only have about 2 weeks left to live unless I get surgery but there is only a 5% chance of it working because the tumor is in a very delicate and dangerous place to operate on. If I don't make it, I just wanted to tell you that I love you and I wish I could have told you sooner." With that being said, Natalia met him in the middle for a kiss but at that moment Luke's mother Rosella walked in and saw their compassionate kiss. She told them "Finally you confessed, you've been awake for 4 days and still hadn't told her." Natalia just blushed and responded by saying " Luke, if you only have 14 days to live, then please allow me to show you how much I really do love you. Let me show you how to love and experience something you've never done before. I will make sure that you feel nothing but love, compassion, and excitement as long as you are still breathing. Natalia kept her promise for 12 days but on the 13, he suddenly disappeared along with his mother. When the 14th day came, she cried for a week because she didn't fulfill her promise of 14 days with him. She cried that whole week, hardly ate or slept, and stopped talking as much. It was now June 6th, her graduation day and the only person on her mind was Luke. Her parents had been very happy and smiled at each other when the doorbell rang and asked for her to answer it. When she opened the door, she saw Luke with White and red roses. After a few seconds he said "Natalia, I apologize for leaving you on what you thought would be my last days, but you made me realise that the surgery was worth the risk because if  succeeded then I would be able to continue seeing you for the rest of my life. Getting down on one knee he continued "Natalia Amber Naveah Marie BlackWell, would you do me the great honor of making me the most gifted and happiest man alive, by marrying me?" Natalia jumped on him saying yes over and over till her lungs hurt.

That was 10 years ago, Natalia and Luke are married both now 27. They have 3 kids, twin boys who are 5 and a little girl who is 2 1/2. Although this is the end of this story, this isn't the end of theirs. Their life still continues, unlocking the mysteries that the future beholds for them.

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