Paperjam (Ink x Error): Confessions

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Not my art! I found it on google. This is my first story so please no hate!

Ink POV:

'He should be here by now' Ink thought as he painted a chair into existence and sat in it. I was sitting in the anti-void, waiting for Error to meet him to talk about the AU's. I was just about to leave when he heard a glitchy voice.

"Le-e-eaving alre-e-edy, Ink? No pa-a-tience anymo-o-ore huh?" I turned around in surprise.

"Error! I thought you held me up!" I said indignantly.

"Come o-o-on Inky. Would I re-e-eally do that to yo-o-ou?" Error said.

"Yes, you would!" I said in my best angry toddler voice.

Error POV:

"Yes, you would!" Ink said. 'Why is he so cute?' I thought to myself. 'Wait, cute? No, that can't be right! We're enemies for god sake! I can't like him!' I thought angrily to myself.

"Um... Error? What's wrong? You look pissed. Did I do something wrong?" Ink asked. He looked concerned. 'Yes, you did something wrong. You were too cute.' I thought to myself.

"No, it's no-o-othing" I said out loud. "You sa-a-aid you wa-a-anted to talk to m-m-me. Well, I-I-I'm here n-n-now." I said.

"Oh yeah! I wanted to talk to you about the AU's..." Ink said.

"Are you fi-i-inally letting me era-a-ase those gli-i-itches n-n-now?" I asked, even though I know the answer would be no.

"NO!" Ink yelled, coming really close to slapping me in the face. (Error can tell the future. Mmmmmmagic!)

"How did I se-e-ee that co-o-oming?" I shook my head.

"If you knew the answer, why would you ask!?" If we were in a comic, Ink would have steam coming out of his skull.

"Just ma-a-king sure. Sti-i-ill waiting for the go-o-od news. One da-a-y." I teased Ink, taking the risk of getting painfully mauled by him.

"I was going to tell you the opposite and stop destroying the AU's actually." Ink glared at me.

"No ne-e-ed to glare, I-I-Inky." I said, not realizing the nickname.

Ink POV:

"No ne-e-ed to glare, I-I-Inky." Error said. I covered my face with my scarf to hide the faint rainbow blush on my face. 'No no no no no! Why me? Why am I so sensitive to stupid nicknames? AAAHHH!' I was freaking in my mind until Error put his hand in my eyesocket. (What did you think it would be, up his shirt? Yeah no. Not yet anyway...).

"AAAAAHHH!" I batted Error's hand away. Instantly, Error noticed the rainbow blush on my face.

"Why does your fa-a-ace look like a ra-a-ainbow? Hear somethi-i-ing you like?" Error wiggled his eyebrows(...? I guess? Let's just go with it.).

"No!" I denied but honestly, I liked it.

"Aww. Inky's a tsu-u-undere! How ado-o-orable!" Error teased.

"No I'm not!" I raised my paintbrush to make a portal to go back to Inktale, but Error grabbed my hand and took my paintbrush with his strings. He raised my paintbrush just above his head.

"If you re-e-eally wanna leave, just re-e-each up and get your brush." Error had a shit-eating grin on his face.

"Ok, just because I'm short doesn't mean you can tease me!" I pouted. I saw a yellow blush spread across Error's face. "Gimme my brush!" I jumped up as high as I could but I missed 'by a thread'. Hey, I am a Sans after all.

"Fi-i-ine. But only because I li-i-ike you. No le-e-eaving though." Error lowered my brush so I could reach it. 'Now or never Ink' I thought as I gathered up all my courage.

"Like ya too, Error." I said, surprisingly calm. Error stared at me with a deep yellow blush on his face.

"You don't me-e-ean that." Error said flustered.

"Said who?" I countered. 'Shit shit shit' I was so scared that he would reject me.
When Error didn't say anything, I ran up and gave him a big hug, forgetting that he had haphephobia. I remembered and I pulled away quickly.

"I'm sorry! I forgot you had haphephobia! I'm sorry! I'll just go now!" I panicked as I picked up my brush. I was about to paint a portal when I felt strings tie around my soul. I turned around and saw Error hiding his face with the hood of his hoodie.

"Don't go. It fe-e-elt nice." Error said shyly.

"Um... Do you want another hug?" I offered.

"Su-u-ure." Error let go of my soul and I gave him another hug.

"Love ya." I said without fear.

"Love ya too, I-I-Inky." Error responded without hesitation.

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