Request: Errorfresh (Error x Fresh): 90's Trash

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Not my art. Requested by Junkoismainamenow  I'm sorry shipper part of me. It was requested so I have to do it! I just want to say sorry for how Fresh will be talking. I wasn't alive in the 90's, so I don't know. Please no hate on Fresh's language.

Error POV:

I was about to destroy MafiaTale when I heard a familiar voice.

"Yo whazzup broseph!" Fresh said.

"Wha-a-at do you wa-a-ant?" I snapped. "I don't have ti-i-ime for thi-i-is."

"What's so important that it interrupts our sweet friendship, Error?" Fresh asked.

"My jo-o-ob. Ya know, destro-o-oying AU's aga-a-ainst Ink's wi-i-ishes." I rolled my eyes.

"Cmon, lighten up a wiggidy second. Make some time for your totally fresh friend." Fresh said.

"For the la-a-ast time, I'm not your frie-e-end!" I argued.

"Oh, so you want more than that? So do I." Fresh said. (Damn. Way to be straightforward there Fresh.). I was taken aback. 'Did Fresh really just say that?' I thought. Fresh must've noticed the surprised expression on my face because he held out his hand.
"Cmon broseph, just take my hand." Fresh said.

"Uh... N-N-No thanks Fresh. I still ha-a-ave a job to d-d-do." I said.

"That's a pretty unfresh thing to do, but ok." Fresh started to walk away so I thought he was leaving. I turned around to destroy MafiaTale when I heard Fresh yelling, "FUCK IT!" and saw him running towards me. He stopped right in front of me and grabbed my hoodie. He pulled and our teeth clanked. I was definitely bright yellow by now and Fresh was a bunch of different colors. When Fresh pulled away, he pulled me in again for a big hug.

"Can't stay a-a-away huh?" I said.

"Who can?" Fresh asked.

"Heh." I hugged Fresh back and whispered in his ear, "Ne-e-e-ever stop being 90's tra-a-ash."

"Don't plan on stopping." Fresh assured me.

"Go-o-o-od." I said. Fresh distracted me so much that I forgot about MafiaTale. I also didn't notice Ink taking pictures.

"This is golden. Everyone is going to pay some good shit for this." Ink said.

"H-H-Hey! Dele-e-ete those!" I yelled and Fresh and I chased after Ink to get him to delete the pictures.

You have no idea how weird it was to write a ship I don't really like and have them kiss. But i did it for Junkoismainamenow so I hope your happy! BTW, I see Fresh as the guy who is too straightforward and doesn't give a shit.

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