Chapter 11

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My mom walks in at perfect timing and he drops me. I pull my mom aside and ask for money for the next plane ticket back home. She slips me 2 hundred after she gets back from her room to grab some. After that I went to my room and started packing and recived another call.

"Yeah.." I said

"There's a flight that lands here tomorrow if you wanna see if you can get a ticket if you need money I can pay off of my card." Said Lydia's mom

"It's alright I got it but how's Lydia..?" I ask nervously

"I'm not sure she's been in a coma for quite sometime.

Justin barged in my room yelling "sorry I gotta go." I said then hung up quickly

"Who was that!" Justin yelled

"Lydia's mom my GIRLFRIEND YOU PUT IN A COMA!" I screamed

"ITS YOUR FAULT!" He yelled and pushed my dresser over and shut the door behind him.

I was scared but I couldn't show fear and let him win. He began to approach me and instead of hitting me he pushed me into the wall and I fell to the ground my head pounding.

"STOP!" Screamed Fae

Justin turned around and smacked Fae in the face and grabbed her wrist and threw her in my direction and I blocked her fall before she hit her head. I looked down at her with her light freckles, red hair with bright blue eyes. She had a left red burning cheek where Justin slapped her. Fae started crying so hard and Justin walked to my bed and seen the start of my packed bag and went through it.

"Stop Justin!" I said standing up Fae hiding behind me.

Justin threw the the bag at me I sent Fae to run to her room and lock it and he hit me once more right in the face with his strong fist. I fell to the ground from the impact I realized I needed to leave soon I packed my bag with my foster dad yelling at me on how worthless I am and that I have no place to go. So I pack my money and the money my mom gave me and walked out my bedroom and he didn't follow he went right downstairs and I went to Fae's room. I knocked on her door no answer it was locked so she was in there.

"Fae it's me Alex let me in your safe now."

I hear a bit of noise then the door unlocked and her head peaked out and she pulled me in her room then locked it again I kneeled down and looked at her cheek.

"Are you ok?" I asked Fae just nodded

Next thing I know she was hugging me. It felt so...odd like in a good way.

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