Chapter 25

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I Run after Diana but she's already yelling at the front desk.

"My daughter Lydia! Where is she! Is she okay?" Diana yells crying

"Diana stop!" I shout,
"we gotta let them do their job.."

She's out of control crying right now. I don't know what to do other than to hold her. The lady at the desk spoke that Lydia was in critical condition from the seizure and to take a seat it may take awhile before we can see her.

"I don't understand my baby she was perfectly healthy recovering she's gotta be okay.." Diana cries out

"Look I thought that too..but she'll be okay I know so she wants us to be strong okay.." I said to calm her down

Hours pass and Diana has fallen asleep in the chair. Watching the clock tic and the daylight fade. A doctor comes out and says "the Starks?"

"Here." I say and sand up

"Is this the mother?"

"Yes." I turn and wake her up

"Mam, we have your daughter stable right now however you'll have to wait until she wakes up to see her but do not ambush her with hugs and words. We wouldn't wanna push her to another seizure." Spoke the doctor

Diana cried more "My baby's alright."

The doctor turns and walks through the doors. Thirty minutes pass and he comes back out.

"Surprisingly she's awake I'll take you to go see her."

We slowly walk through the hall everything white, rooms with dying and sick people in screams and cries. We turn into a room where Lydia lays.

"Oh my baby.." Diana says

We sit next to the bed her eyes are moving but she's not responding she's looking around the room but still not talking.

"Lydia baby.." Diana says once more

Lydia turns her head towards her mom and smiles

"Oh my baby see you're okay." Said Diana

"I can't leave her unattended she could go back into another seizure at any point from here on."

Lydia mumbles out the words "I love you" she struggled and you could barely understand but just enough that you knew what she said.

"I love you too baby." Said Diana crying once more

Her heart monitor gets super high the doctor yells for help and nurses rush in as she starts to have a seizure once more. Shacking so much more than she was the first time Diana screams "my baby don't leave me!" The nurses pull us out of the room and the door shuts.

"NO Lydia!" I get lose of the nurse and run towards the door and attempt to open it but it's locked I pound on it and a nurse pulls me back with two security Guards. Diana's on the floor crying with a nurse trying to help.

"MY BABY!!" Diana cries out

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