Chapter 2

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Copyright © 2013 by Lilibeth_A
All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof
may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever
without the express written permission of the publisher

Chapter 2

I practically kissed the floor as I made my way out of the airport and onto the streets of Bologna, Italy. I was barely able to get a lick of sleep during the plane ride due to the turbulence and non stop feeling of wanting to throw up. You would also think that after one hell of an overnight 8 hour trip I would be tired, but I wasn't.

I was restless. As soon as the pilot had made the announcement that we were landing in Italy my nerves sky rocketed. I just couldn't believe that I was one step closer to finding my father.

Things were going way to easy for me. And nothing is ever easy for me.

But first things first, I had to find my guide. Chris had said that there would be a man named Adalfo who would help me get around. I gripped my little luggage bag as I stood near the entrance of the airport doors, looking around like a lost puppy.

"Excuse me miss, are you Clarissa?"

I skeptically looked at the small old man who had approached me. "Did Chris send you?" I didn't mean to sound rude, it really was just the nerves.

"Yes, come with me please, I must take you to your hotel. Here, call Chris and let him know you got here safely." The old man gave me a genuine smile as he handed me his cell phone. "I'm going to get the car." I dialed Chris's number while I watched the man walk away.

"Hello." The familiar sound of Chris voice sent a wave of calm over me.

"Hey, it's me, clarissa." I said into the phone.

"I'm assuming everything is fine since you're calling me from Adalfo's cell phone."

"Yeah everything's fine."

"Great. I arranged a room for you in a hotel. Please be careful Clarissa. I don't want you getting hurt."

"Thank you, I'll be careful. I swear. Do you think my mom found out?" I couldn't help but whisper the last part.

I literally just left without leaving any sign of where I was going. I know that she didn't really care what I did. But I feel that if she found out about me coming here, or the reason that I was here, she would have an aneurysm.

"I can't give you a direct answer. The chances of her knowing that you're searching for your father are slim so I wouldn't worry about it that much. People your age usually leave home so there is no telling what is running through her mind. I don't like what you're doing but like I said yesterday, you're not a kid anymore." Chris said. "I have a meeting in 6 minutes so go to the hotel and relax. Take some time to recover from the trip. Tomorrow you can start your search. Adalfo will be there to help you."

"Yeah, you're right. Thanks once again." He was right. I needed to relax and think of what my next crazy step was going to be.

I hung up the phone just as Adalfo pulled up in a car and got out to open the passenger door for me.

"Are you ready to go miss?" I nodded at adalfo and got into the passenger seat.

* * * * * *

After getting everything settled at the hotel I tried to go over what I was going to do tomorrow. Obviously the plan was to go to the address Chris had given me. But then what?

Thoughts of uncertainty evaded my thoughts as I tried planning on how to go about everything. My mind kept telling me that I was dangerously rushing into the unknown.

I thought of various scenarios as I sat in my hotel room eating my dinner. No matter what I thought of, everything just seemed so stupid that it didn't really matter how I went about going to this address.

In the end I decided to just personally have Adalfo drive me there. Then I would walk up to the door like any normal neighbor would and just act like any other normal person would when visiting someone they don't know.

If my father lived there then I would obviously be honest and let him know who I was, and what I was doing there. Worst case scenario, he really doesn't care about me and he sends me away. Or he really is a Mafia boss and I get shot before I can even make it to the door. But I was hoping that wouldn't be the case.

In the case that he didn't live there, then I didn't know what I was going to do. Probably just sight see while I stayed here in Italy for the remaining days that I had. At least I would be able to check that off of my bucket list.

As a lay my head to rest I thought about how maybe I should just let this whole situation go and continue to live on like I did for the past 18 years. I already had Chris who has always been like a father figure. But the more I thought about I found myself thinking of how selfish I really was. I wasn't satisfied with just accepting Chris as my father, as horrible as that sounds.

Maybe I was really crazy.

* * * * * *

Surprisingly I slept peacefully. After slipping on a pair of shorts and a shirt I made my way down to the lobby. Adalfo was already waiting for me. We had planned to meet up in the lobby at 9 in the morning and then he would drive me to where ever I wanted.

However, the moment I hand him the slip of paper that held my destination I notice him go rigid with fear. He voiced his concerns about going anywhere near this address and was very hesitant with taking us there. He claimed there were rumors that only bad people lived there and that it wasn't wise for me to go to that house. I told him that they were only rumors. All he had to do was drop me off and then he could leave.

In the end he gave in but not before making me promise that I would not hold him accountable for anything that happens to me while I was there. For a split second I almost changed my mind and told him to take me to the beach instead. But I reprimanded myself and told myself to stop being such a wuss.

Thirty minutes later we were pulling up to a massive two story house. I couldn't help but stare in wonder. The only times I have seen a house so big was in the movies. Father or not, this guy was obviously loaded.

"This is your stop." Adalfo nervously said as his eyes darted around everywhere.

"Thank you" I said as I stepped out of the car.

Before closed the door he leaned over the passenger seat and looked up at me. "How will you get back to the hotel?"

"I'll find a way?" It was more of a question than a statement.

He seemed conflicted before nodding. "Very well then."

I watched as he drove away, a little bit of my confidence driving away with him. I turned to the house and felt my heart beat quicken.

This was it.

I took a deep breath and made my way towards the entrance of the house. I had to remind myself to breath with ever step I took.

As I neared the door I noticed something from the side of my vision and I felt unease wash over me. I turned to my right to get a better look of whatever had come into my field of vision when suddenly I felt something hit the back of my head.

The pain blasted throughout my head. White spots appeared before my vision as I felt my body falling forward.

I blacked out before I even hit the ground.


Chapter was edited and updated on 10/10/2021.

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