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Norway smiled softly, barely visible, as Denmark made another joke on one of their dinner dates. The Norwegian and the Dane had become very close, and were in a relationship. And they couldn't have been happier.

And Denmark couldn't have been more ready for this moment.

"Norway, I have something I've been meaning to tell you..." Denmark said, looking his lover dead in the eyes. "Yes? What is it?" Asked Norway.

Denmark got up from his seat and down on one knee, pulling out a small black box. Norway blushed, and got up from his seat as well.

Denmark cleared his throat. "Norway, you light up my life. I don't think anyone has ever made me feel this way. You're the only one who puts up with me, for the most part. And the only one I could ever truly imagine being with. I couldn't ever imagine a life without you, nor would I want to. What I'm trying to say is... Well..." Denmark blushed and opened up the black box, revealing a beautiful shining diamond ring.

"Will you marry me?"

Norway was tearing up, blushing, and was at a loss for words. It felt like an eternity until he finally encircled his arms around Denmark's neck.

"Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes!" He exclaimed happily, hugging Denmark tightly. It was one of the few times Norway showed emotion, and Denmark smiled. "I love you so much, Norge!" Denmark said. "I love you too." Norway said, now looking into his significant others light blue eyes. The crowd of people in the restaurant cheered for the couple, as they tightly embraced.

Denmark could've sworn he saw Norway's curl shape into a heart.


Norway sighed as he tapped his fingers on the table, impatient and bored. More paperwork from his boss, as usual. God dammit, his wedding was in a month, and he needs to be planning it! He hasn't even gotten a chance to tell his little brother! Iceland was going to be pissed, only now finding out about his wedding. But Iceland's job was the most important one. He was Norway's best man, after all.

Norway felt a breeze behind him, and he just passed it off to the open window right beside him. He signed a few more papers, and then felt a light tap on his shoulder. Thinking it was Denmark, he turned around. "Denmark, can't you see I'm busy-"

Norway stopped mid sentence when he saw who was behind him. Those insanity filled, gleaming purple eyes, those glasses, that light brown hair. It was the only person he knew of that looked this insane.

His pyromaniac counterpart, Loki.

Loki smiled at his awe stricken blonde counterpart. "Long time, no see, Lukas." Loki said. Norway growled. "What are you doing here, Loki?" Norway said venomously. "Oh, I'm sorry. But I don't recall being sent an invitation to your wedding. Must have gotten lost in the mail. After all," Loki looked Norway dead in the eye, stroking a piece of stray hair behind his ear. "I wouldn't want to miss such an important occasion." Loki said, smirking.

His hand glowed with magic, and he tried to cast it on Norway, but he dodged Loki's Magic, and shot a blast of magic back at him. Loki just smirked. "Is that really all you've got?" He teased. He sent another blast of fire magic at Norway, sending him tumbling back into the wall. He cried out in pain, just as Denmark practically bursted through the door, battle axe in hand.

"Norway! What's going on?!" Denmark asked frantically. Norway couldn't answer, but nor did he need to when Denmark comprehended the situation. "What are you doing here?! Leave him alone!" Denmark threatened. Loki simply sighed as flicked his hand towards Denmark, paralyzingly him. "I- I can't move! The hell?!" Denmark exclaimed. "Ugh... I don't know how I'll ever be able to put up with you, but I guess I could manage." Loki said, displeased.

He turned back to Norway, who was still trying to recover from that last blast of magic. He chuckled. "You're weaker than I expected. I would've thought you would put up a better fight. Oh well, I guess it's beneficial in the long run after all,"

Loki used his magic, and a blue light flashed around him, before it revealed him again to look exactly like Norway. "Because I'll take your place, and erase Denmark's memories of this ever happening!" Loki said. "But first, I think you need to take a little rest." Loki said.

"N- No..." Norway choked out, glaring at Loki. He grazed his hand over Norway, his hand illuminated with magic. Norway began to feel sleepy, and he slowly passed out.

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