Chapter 3

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"Ice sculpture!"


"Best egg rolls you've ever tasted."

"Mm! Check!"

Iceland was, as stated by the letter, making sure everything goes as planned. So he was doing his first job. Making sure the food was being cooked. And it was absolutely delicious! China was one hell of a good cook.

"Do you? I do!" Sealand said, playing with the cake toppers which were chibi versions of Norway and Denmark. China took the cake toppers from Sealand. "Stop playing with those, aru. They go on the cake!" China said sternly. Sealand laughed nervously.

The door swung open, and Norway walked in. "Ni hao, Norway!" China said. "Please, call me Lukas Bondevik." Norway said. "Ni hao, Lukas Bondevik! Have you come to check on the food for your big day, aru?" China asked. Norway smiled nervously. "I have!" He said. He picked up one of the egg rolls and took a bite out of it. He swallowed the bite and smiled a fake smile, that somehow only Iceland seemed to notice.

"So, how was it?" China asked. "D- Delicious! I love, love, love them!" Norway said. "Thank you! How about you take some to go?" China said, holding up a bag of Chinese food he prepared. Norway took the bag and smiled, and China went back to cooking. Iceland watched as he walked towards the door. Norway checked to see that China's back was turned, and immediately threw the bag into the garbage. Iceland gasped. "C- China! Did you just see..." Iceland stopped when he realized China wasn't listening to him.


"Oh my god. You should've seen how he acted back there! I don't know when he changed, but he changed! 'Please, call me Lukas Bondevik.'" Iceland mocked, pacing back and forth while France worked on the outfits for the wedding. "Did I hear someone call my name?" A familiar demanding Norwegian voice said. Norway walked into the room, followed by the 3 Baltic nations. France walked up to him. "Norway! Let me just say what an honor it is to play a role in such a momentous occasion." France said, smiling gratefully. Norway just scoffed. "Yeah, ok. Are the suits ready?" He asked.

"But of course! And I think you'll be happy with the result!" France revealed a dark blue suit, that perfectly matched Norway's eyes. "I've been working on it ever since I got the assignment. What do you think?" France asked.

"I was hoping for a dark purple suit, not dark blue." Norway said. "Oh. Oh of course." France said, making a note of the request. Norway glanced over towards the grooms men's suits. "And these need to be a different color." He said.

"I think their lovely." Estonia said. "Me too." Lithuania said. "I love them." Latvia said. Norway glared menacingly at them, and the nations looked away in shame. Norway then turned his attention back to France. "Make them a different color." He demanded, before walking away.

"Gee. Maybe his name should be Lukas demandy-pants." Iceland scoffed.


"Ve~ Alright! So we've been over the games and the dances! I think the reception is going to be perfect!" Italy said. "Yeah!... If we were celebrating a 6 year olds birthday party." Norway said. "Aww, thank you!" Italy said. Iceland watched the whole seen unfold from behind a pillar in the room, as he glared at his older brother.


Iceland walked out from the coffee shop to the table where Sweden, Finland, Sealand, America, China, and Italy were sitting. "I bet I can guess what you're all thinking," Iceland said, smirking as he sat down with his cup of hot chocolate. "Norway is the worst bride to be ever!" He said.

Everyone just stared at him. "Who? Me?" Sealand continued to play with the cake toppers. China once again took them from him. "Icey, whatever are you talking about? Norway is an absolute l'ange!" France said. "France, he was so demanding!" Iceland said. "Oh, but of course! Why shouldn't he expect the very best on his wedding day?" France said.

"China! Do you know that after Norge said that he 'love love loved' your food, he threw it in the trash?" Iceland said. "He was probably just trying to spare my feeling, aru." China said, smiling. "No. He was just being an ass, and totally insincere!" Iceland said, annoyed.

"Well, he did raise his voice at me while I was showing him the music." America said. "See? Rude!" Iceland said. "But I might have had the music up a little to loud. Hehe..." America laughed nervously. "Italy, didn't you see-" Iceland stopped when he saw Italy and Sealand playing with the cake toppers together. He sighed. "... Nevermind. Hong Kong, you're with me right?" Iceland said, looking towards his boyfriend. "Sorry, Icey. I've been working on the fireworks too much to notice the bride's bad attitude." Hong Kong said.

"Ugh!" Iceland exclaimed. "Norway is about to get married, Iceland. Any bad attitude he has is just the result of stress." Finland said. Iceland slammed his hand down on the table. "And I think his bad attitude is the result of him being a bitchy country who doesn't deserve to know Denmark, let alone marry him!" Iceland furiously said. "Uh, maybe your being a little bit possessive of Denmark?" China said. "I am not being possessive of anybody! You're all too caught up in wedding planning to see that maybe there shouldn't even be a wedding!" Iceland stormed off, leaving his friends behind.

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