Chapter 5

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Iceland groaned and rubbed his head as he began to awaken. He tried to recollect the event of what had happened before he had blacked out, but nothing came to him. His eyes adjusted to the newfound darkness he was in, and found he was in some sort of catacombs.

He suddenly remembered what had happened. The rehearsal dinner, the confrontation, and everyone had abandoned him...

He was, to say the least, scared. For himself, and his friends. "H- Hello?" He called out. "Is anyone there?" He called again, but only happened to run into a wall. He heard familiar, distant laughter ring through the catacombs. "W- Where am I?" He said.

"The catacombs beneath Helsinki! Home to the bones of the long deceased from centuries ago, and now," there was a pause.

"You're prison!" Norway exclaimed, seemingly from right behind Iceland, scaring him. "Help! Help!" Iceland called out, running to the other side of the room, away from Norway's voice. "It's no use. No one can hear you, and no one will ever think to look for you either." Norway said.

"Most people have forgotten that this place even exists, which is why it is the ideal place to keep the ones who try to interfere with my plans... Ahahaha!" Norway cackled. Iceland was confused. "Plans? What plans?" He asked.

"Why, the plans I have for Denmark, of course!" Norway said. Iceland felt anger build up inside of him. "Don't you dare do anything to him, you monster!" He yelled. "Only way to stop me is to catch me~" Norway cooed.

"Over here!" He called out, now sounding further away. Iceland had noticed a hallway, and decided to follow it. Norway's voice got louder as Iceland ventured down the hall, but suddenly went away and appeared somewhere else.

"Nope! Over here!" Norway said, laughing maniacally as Iceland made twists and turns through the halls of the catacombs, anger blinding him in furious rage until...

He saw him.

Norway stood at a dead end, lit up by a small amount of sunlight flooding in from the ceiling. His clothes were torn and tattered, his hair was a mess, and he had bruises and burn marks all over him. Iceland looked at him furiously, and Norway looked terrified. Iceland charged at him in blind rage, and Norway backed away.

"No! Wait-"

Norway was cut off when he was pinned to the ground violently by Iceland. "P- Please! Don't hurt me!" Norway cried. He opened his eyes to look at Iceland, and smiled softly. "Lillebror, it's me!" Norway said, but Iceland did not buy it.

"P- Please! You have to believe me! I've been imprisoned, like you. The Norway that brought you here was an imposter!"  He cried. "Yeah. Likely story, you bitch!" Iceland said, bringing his fist up.

"C- Call me Big Brother..." Norway muttered. Iceland was confused. "Huh...?" Iceland muttered. "I said to call me Big Brother." Norway said. "N- No." Iceland said.

"Big brother."


"Big brother."


"Big brother!"


Iceland looked hopefully at Norway, who's caring and warm blue eyes met his. "You remember me!" Iceland said, throwing is arms around his brother, who embraced his hug. "Of course I do. How could I forget the little brother I love the most?" Norway said.

'Norway's familiar evil cackling could be heard throughout the catacombs, and the two men looked at each other, practically reading each others thoughts.

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