Pokemon Tag

52 2 4

Tagged by DigitalMonsters

Q: Who's your partner for life?

A: Oshawott! If I was a trainer in the Pokemon series I would never evolve it.

Q: Favorite Region?

A: Between Unova and Alola 

Q: What real Pokemon games have you beat?

A: X and Omega Ruby. I have beaten Emerald, Soul Silver and Pearl but I lost thoese games. Pearl and SoulSilver were stolen

Q: Favorite Type

A: Fairy 

Q: Have you completed the Pokedex?

A: No

Q: Favorite Series

A: Main Game-Pokemon Heart Gold/Soul Silver

Side Game- Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Series

Q: Have you caught or found a real shiny (No hacks, trades, etc)

A: Yes.

Q: Best Pokemon GO Pokemon

A: Eeeveelutions ^^

Q: Favorite Pokemon Youtuber

A: I have four; Marilland, MunchingOrange, CandyEvie and Tyranitartube. You have to check these guys out! They are amazing ^^

Q: Least favorite Pokemon

A: Not sure

Who I tag:

Anyone who wants to do this ^^

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